Adamski, on 11 May 2015 - 08:28 PM, said:
You trollin right? The TDR has a compact model / hitbox? They gave it ST structure quirks because its so fat and juicy.
The 5SS has an optimal of 353m with quirks and modules, which is less than a IS LL (450) base range. I'm not going to bother refuting anything else you have to say regarding mech or equipment balance since its obvious you have no F'ing clue what you are talking about.
Yes, the 60% / 53% clan win rate does not represent everything, but it does represent the in match balance when done over a large enough sample of matches. (Tukayyid being an especially good example because you can drill down and see the different premade 12 man win%).
What the win rate does not represent, is population imbalance / territory gained, which is IRRELEVANT when discussing faction/mech balance.
It's flat. If you can't figure out how to twist your torso with a Thunderbolt and minimize your profile between shots (which, thanks to its quirks, is superbly easy), then you're blind. It doesn't need toughness quirks.
I'm not the best Thunderbolt pilot ever but even I can rack up 800-1200 damage with my XL-engine TDR-9SE without even trying.
That's just wrong. And the 5SS is only more OP than the 9SE is, in both quirks & hardpoints & being easier to mount a STD engine on.
Those numbers not only don't prove "everything", they actually prove "
nothing" about IS vs. Clan balance. Saying it doesn't represent anything about population imbalance is just ignorant.
Tanis McGavern, on 11 May 2015 - 08:37 PM, said:
You want IS mechs to behave like they did in BT canon? Why don't clanners start by behaving like clanners did in BT canon and stop focus firing/spawn camping/using arty and start demanding to drop in stars rather than companies. Never been more frustrated than getting demolished by clan lights swarming a drop zone shooting and dropping arty on anything in front of them. This won't happen, of course, but don't complain of disparity on one side and ignore it on the other.
No. I don't. I drive IS mechs too, in fact I drive more IS mechs than I do clan ones.
I saw far more IS groups during the event doing the spawncamp/consumable spam thing than clan ones, frankly speaking.
As I said, you're only seeing things from your own skewed single side. Play both sides of the fence, then you can start forming your opinions.
IS mechs can be fairly balanced against Clan ones without being given god-mode powers. Normalize all IS quirks across all IS mechs, nerf Streak-6s, give the Stormcrow the Jenner treatment, realize the Timberwolf isn't going to be that great once the Black Knight arrives when it comes to 75-tonner laser boating, and we'll be a long way towards achieving an acceptable level of assymetric gameplay balance.
MechaNagato, on 11 May 2015 - 10:12 PM, said:
thats 8 damage, almost as much as a single large laser
And it recycles every 0.7 seconds (and less than that if you have quirks). Sure it has some heat, but it's such low heat per-shot that it's quite managable despite what Smurfy might say.
I had tons of fun with my 4xAC/2 Jagermech-S before they came up with the UAC/5 jam reduction quirk, so I switched to the Jagermech-DD; when the Mauler arrives you can count on me making that thing the AC-2 boat from hell.
Try getting a full laser burn on me when I'm pumping 8 damage into you almost every half-second.

(And can do it from a longer range than you can, too.)
Edited by Telmasa, 11 May 2015 - 10:27 PM.