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Locust-1V(P) Cockpit Handicap

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#41 Alistair Winter


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Posted 16 May 2015 - 01:21 PM

View PostKuroNyra, on 16 May 2015 - 01:20 PM, said:

one is a IS mech

The Other a Clan mech

Clans Mech were designed to offer the best view possible.

IS mech, not so much. It was even mention has part of them particularity when the Clans mech were introduced


Here's a Stalker cockpit.

Posted Image

#42 Davegt27


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Posted 16 May 2015 - 01:45 PM

I said something similar about the Raven




"View Postzagibu, on 09 December 2014 - 06:13 PM, said:

I do pilot a Raven, but I didn't understand a single word you said (well, besides &quot;Raven&quot;)."

Sorry a dog fight is the term used to describe a turning twisting battle in the air

Similarly when a Raven or any Mech is engaged in a turning twisting fight it can be consider a dog fight, especially when jump jets are used and there are missiles and guns blazing

The P51 was a WWII fighter that saw an evolution in development from a closed strutted cockpit to thebubble canopy of the P51D

I have only had these raven's a week but I keep getting into fights lasting a min and we are at max speed jumping twisting firing over hills and what not

I am losing sight of my targets as I chase them
I need better visibility the current cockpit is to visually restrictive
The solution would be a bubble type canopy like on the WWII fighter the P51D or the modern F16/F15

When I speak of hi "G" the G is for gravity, I am role playing and saying I am in extreme hi "G"
Maneuvers I am stressing my Mech and body to the max!

the term over "G" means I have exceeded the designed max "G" loading the Mech can take (stay at the over "G" limit to long and the craft will bend then break)

Missiles can pull 30"G" and that's why you can see them take a near 90 deg turn


#43 KuroNyra


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Posted 16 May 2015 - 01:55 PM

View PostAlistair Winter, on 16 May 2015 - 01:21 PM, said:


Here's a Stalker cockpit.

Posted Image


Some IS mech got a nice view, but take a look at the Atlas, or the Shadow Hawk.

The griffin on the otherside got a clear view, look at the jenner,

Now look at the whole Clans mech. All of them got clear view.

Not because there is some exception among the IS mean my point is nullified. Especially when it was said during the introduction of the Clans Mech.

Edited by KuroNyra, 16 May 2015 - 01:57 PM.



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Posted 16 May 2015 - 01:58 PM

View PostOP8, on 16 May 2015 - 02:53 AM, said:

Worst cockpit design ever. I'm a founder, a phoenix+ reinforcements, masakari pack player with over 50 master mechs, 17 spare bays, and every module and upgrade I could want at this time.
I've got mix builds and boats of every classification and specialty and play all styles from scout to LRM barge to ECM support to quad LBX brawlers to ERPPC sniper tanks.
Then there's that effing locust that does 169.3kph but has this totally ******** brush guard that makes it like driving a missile while looking through a god damned key hole. It's so hard to see anything and track targets through that stupid little slot of window glass, that I honestly regret that I had to spend money on that thing to get the other mechs.

There are awesome things about this game and there are things that need work. Been a mech pilot since MW2. I've got a lot to say about all the mech games, I'm an addict. But holy shart if you're gonna charge money for mechs with paper thin armor and no major perks over the other mechs, don't give 'em ultra handicaps like cockpits you can't see crap out of. If I owned that mech in real life, first thing I'd do is fire the ****** who put those prison bars on to create huge blindspots. Christ, please fix that thing already so I don't have to think of it as that garbage I'm annoyed to pilot.

I'll save my other grievances or praise for separate posts.

Not only that but the locust has the worst glass dirt to look through.

#45 KuroNyra


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Posted 16 May 2015 - 02:00 PM

View PostDAYLEET, on 16 May 2015 - 01:58 PM, said:

Not only that but the locust has the worst glass dirt to look through.

That little bug is indeed dirty. But what can you expect from a Locust? It's not an Atlas or a Black Knight (see what I did there?)

#46 Kassatsu


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Posted 16 May 2015 - 02:05 PM

My only complaint about the Locust is how terrible the cockpit is designed. It literally looks like it was ripped out of a two-seat attack helicopter and had the cockpit glass replaced with added metal reinforcements that have zero functionality and add little actual protection (or you know, none). Move the pilot forward or just redesign the whole thing so you have more than a 30 degree field of vision. Now that I think about it, all of the phoenix mechs tend to look like something taken from a two-seat attack helicopter.

View PostNightshade24, on 16 May 2015 - 03:39 AM, said:

the part you went wrong here is the fact that the Clans rarely used spotters/ scouts... Also the direwolf has been known for lone-wolfing it... hell, there is a hero direwolf called lone wolf for that reason...

Except he posted a Locust and a Stalker, both of which are IS mechs.

Edited by Kassatsu, 16 May 2015 - 02:06 PM.

#47 stjobe


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Posted 16 May 2015 - 02:46 PM

View PostYeonne Greene, on 16 May 2015 - 10:14 AM, said:

It's implicit because most of those bars are on the standard cockpit.

Here's the -1V(P) cockpit:

Posted Image

And here's the standard cockpit (LCT-3M):

Posted Image

Notice how the roll cage adds ten bars to the regular frame (consisting of seven parts), making four of the regular frame parts thicker and therefore covering more of your view? In fact, there's only three parts of the cockpit frame not affected: the large diagonal ones and the lower horizontal one. The other four are widened, and six completely new obstructions are added.

So from seven parts we go to three unaffected, four widened, and six added.

I do think the regular cockpit needs changing too, but I'd settle for having the regular cockpit in the -1V(P).

#48 Dirkdaring


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Posted 16 May 2015 - 02:59 PM

Try adjusting the field of view in user.cfg

#49 KuroNyra


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Posted 16 May 2015 - 03:11 PM

View PostDirkdaring, on 16 May 2015 - 02:59 PM, said:

Try adjusting the field of view in user.cfg

And thus changing it for EVERY MECH IN THE GAME.

We shouldn't need to do such thing in order to SEE from our cockpit.

#50 Nightshade24


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Posted 16 May 2015 - 03:35 PM

View PostKassatsu, on 16 May 2015 - 02:05 PM, said:

My only complaint about the Locust is how terrible the cockpit is designed. It literally looks like it was ripped out of a two-seat attack helicopter and had the cockpit glass replaced with added metal reinforcements that have zero functionality and add little actual protection (or you know, none). Move the pilot forward or just redesign the whole thing so you have more than a 30 degree field of vision. Now that I think about it, all of the phoenix mechs tend to look like something taken from a two-seat attack helicopter.

Except he posted a Locust and a Stalker, both of which are IS mechs.

Look at the time stamps and order.

He first compaired a DIREWOLF (clan mech, should be a huge hint as it's blue UI not Yellow) to a LOCUST.

he later on posted about a STALKER after that post.

#51 Y E O N N E


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Posted 16 May 2015 - 03:35 PM

View PostAlistair Winter, on 16 May 2015 - 01:21 PM, said:


Here's a Stalker cockpit.

Posted Image

The Stalker is frickin' huge and has huge panes of glass. Thus, the frame is...out of frame.

View Poststjobe, on 16 May 2015 - 02:46 PM, said:

Here's the -1V(P) cockpit:

Posted Image

And here's the standard cockpit (LCT-3M):

Posted Image

Notice how the roll cage adds ten bars to the regular frame (consisting of seven parts), making four of the regular frame parts thicker and therefore covering more of your view? In fact, there's only three parts of the cockpit frame not affected: the large diagonal ones and the lower horizontal one. The other four are widened, and six completely new obstructions are added.

So from seven parts we go to three unaffected, four widened, and six added.

I do think the regular cockpit needs changing too, but I'd settle for having the regular cockpit in the -1V(P).

Not counting the framing closest to the camera, boxing the whole picture in:

1. Phoenix adds ten bars to the frame, four of which are completely inconsequential because they are barely visible

2. There are seven bars on the standard frame

Notice how you highlighted even the standard cockpit bars in your previous picture, claiming they need to go:

Posted Image

The standard canopy frame does not need to be changed at all.

#52 Nightshade24


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Posted 16 May 2015 - 03:41 PM

View PostAlistair Winter, on 16 May 2015 - 11:52 AM, said:

My first counter point would be that aerial warfare is a less appropriate analogy than, say, ground combat. On the ground, you use units with great visibility (e.g. infantry, snow scooters, light vehicles) to gather intelligence for the really heavy armed and armoured units.

My second counter point would be that light mechs in MWO have basically the same sensors as assault mechs. I don't think BAP is more common on light mechs than assault mechs, but even if it were, visual detection is far more important in MWO than picking stuff up on radar. The value of scouting with BAP only really matters for the first 2 minutes of the match, and only on certain maps like Tourmaline and Caustic, where you have to figure out what the other team is doing. On Alpine, visual confirmation is just as good as BAP. On Terra Therma, the huge mountain makes BAP pointless.

After the first two minutes are up, BAP is largely pointless for scouting. At that point, it's mostly for countering ECM and faster target info gathering. For most light mechs, extra firepower is preferable to BAP. I don't think anyone uses BAP on Locusts, really. Especially on the LCT-1V which is basically built for the ERLL with 2 or 4 MGs as backup weapons.

We'll agree to disagree on that count. That being said, it certainly is fun to run through River City at 170 kph :)

That would be a good argument in a game where C-bill cost was used for balancing, and R&R was a real thing. But I don't think it really matters any more, sadly :)

Point 1-2: Let's jump from WWII aviation to ground then.Super heavy/ Heavy tanks often has more view ports, mirrors, and a larger drivers port then the lighter tanks or the armoured cars of the era for simular things (as these view ports took a bit of space). I used aircraft at first as these planes also used radar, observation ports, etc. and is rather iconic throughout history that the larger the plane = larger field of view (ever been in a cockpit of a Boeing 747?)

Anyway. It isn't "Improved sensors" that makes lights better. I simply said they relied on it more then assaults as it is the sensors that do the spotting, scouting, tracking, etc. But lets go back to effectiveness, due to the speed and the maneuverability it does allow said light mech to increase the friendly sensor coverage on a map.

Point 3: I just view it as a gimic for the (P) version. However thinking about it it would be funny to have a simple +1 armour value to the locust head just because of all the railings.

Point 4: Well RnR is known for returning back to game (hence why I am hyped for crab, lore wise it's basicly 50% easier to repair and cheaper too then other mechs! quirk?) I mainly pointed the cost out as people who feel cheated for a hindered Phoenix locust they can simply buy another locust 1V in 5 to 7 matches.

#53 OP8


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Posted 16 May 2015 - 08:02 PM

View PostDead Eye 01, on 16 May 2015 - 02:59 AM, said:

"I'm a special snowflake. This mech design is bad. I'm only bringing up how bad it is during a Phoenix specific event. I payed for this 'bad' mech so i'm entitled to have things my way."

Did i read it right? Ok then.

Deal with it.

"I'm a useless troll that's seen fight club too many times with nothing meaningful to say but like to hear myself talk"

Did I read that right?

And no, tardo, my point in half of that was to express that I'm not some random noob bitching about the first feature I didn't like; and that I've been around the block in this game to such a capacity that if I'm gonna ***** about something, it probably has substance and I'm not just shooting off my mouth because I like seeing my name in the forums- but you can read it however you like. And yes, it has to do with the timing of the event because I've been playing this mech in it but haven't since I mastered it a year ago because it's so annoying to pilot. I've got a dozen other lights that weren't paid for in US:D that are leagues better.

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