A problem: The tonnage-limit forces new players to use Trial-Mechs and badly leveled Mechs. And they are up against people with a perfectly balanced drop-deck of mastered and quirked and moduled Mechs.
My suggestion:
Let's say, 220 tons is the baseline. You can put as much or as little weight as you want into your drop-deck, but any deviation from that baseline gets punished with less earned C-bills, XP, GXP and LP.
0 tons too heavy/light -> 100%
5 tons too heavy/light -> 97.5%
10 tons too heavy/light -> 95%
50 tons -> 75%
100 tons -> 50%
150 tons -> 25%
200 tons -> 0%
You can field 4 Atlases/Direwolves if you feel like... if you are okay with earning 10%.
You can field a light lance of 135t if you feel like... if you are okay with earning 57.5%.
You can field 2 Thunderbolts and 2 Stalkers if you feel like... if you are okay with earning 60%.

Do Away With Hard Drop-Deck Tonnage Limits
Started by DI3T3R, May 18 2015 07:53 AM
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