24 Hour Mechathon -June 20th 2015
Mechwarrior Online for Covenant House (MWO4CH)
Starting in June of 2015 all future 24 Hour Mechathons I host, will be for charity. The June Mechathon is for Covenant House, an international shelter and education center for homeless and abused teens.
In January of 1992 I was 18, in a rather complicated relationship with my family (to put it nicely) and newly on my own making my way in the world. By Feb of 92 I had been evicted from my first apartment, and by March I had exhausted my welcome on all of my friend’s couches and found myself living on the streets of South Florida. Being 18 and homeless with little to no street smarts in SFL was very dangerous at the time (and still is). A couple times I found myself in very bad situations with one time being so severe that I ended up in a hospital awaking from a doctor/drug induced coma. When the hospital learned that I was homeless, they put me in touch with the Ft. Lauderdale Covenant House which took me in after I had recovered enough from my injuries. Covenant House gave me a bed, a shower, and three hot meals a day. They sent me to classes where I was able to capitalize on the schooling I had before January and completed the tests needed to obtain my Florida GED. In those same classes they taught me how to manage my money, make budgets and how to pay bills etc.. They assisted me in getting a job, helped me save my money and by August of 92 I was able to get a proper apartment and live normally. Two years later I enlisted in the US Army which brought me to Ft. Riley KS, which eventually brought me to Kansas City. I met a beautiful woman in the early 2000’s that I eventually married.
I now live in a nice but small home in the Kansas City Northland with my wife, one of our sons, three dogs and a cat after sending our other son off to college in the Fall of 2014. I don’t think that I would be here or even alive today were Covenant House not there for me back in the summer of 1992. Because of the help they gave me and continue to give to thousands of other teens across the Western Hemisphere, I would like to give them something in return. So on June 20th the 24 Hour Mechathon will be all for Covenant House as we attempt to raise $2000 or more for the organization that does so much for so many others.
How it works:
Pilots: All pilots who drop in the Mechathon group will either pledge to donate a minimum of $1 for every kill they achieve in game, or the pilot will have enough sponsors to equal $1 or more for every kill he/she achieves in game. Pilots need to register at the following link to qualify for the Mechathon - tinyurl.com/lyzebdw.
Sponsors: Sponsors are people who wish to help with the fundraiser but may not have the time to join us in game, or may not even play the game at all. Sponsors back one of the registered pilots and pledge to donate a minimum of .25 cents for every kill their pilot gets in game. Sponsors must register at tinyurl.com/lyzebdw to qualify for the Mechathon.
Straight Donors: Those who failed to register before the qualifying date, or those who wish to just donate straight to the cause may do so during the event. A link for donations will be provided once the event starts.
Kill Tracking: All participating pilots must keep track of their kill count. The honor system is being used here. A Google form has been created for you to record your total kill count, it can be found here - Tinyurl.com/mqdou5m. All participating pilots are responsible to collecting pledge amounts from their sponsors. Pledge totals are due no later than June 27th 2015. Pledge totals may be paid directly by the sponsors to the event collection using a credit or debit card. Just ensure sponsors note in their donation which pilot they sponsored.
Dropping with Mechathon participants: While all participants are free to drop as they wish during the 24 hours, the main participant group will be on the Robinson Rangers TS server located at RRB.Enjinvoice.com. If you are a registered participant, just hop on our TS server and get into the Mechathon Sync Room channel and as soon as there is space you will be dragged into the main channel.
Prizes: Various prizes and giveaways will be awarded to participants and Twitch viewers. Prizes may include MWO Premium Time packages, Mechs, and what ever else gets donated. A full list of prizes and donors has been provided on page two of this thread.
Streaming: The Mechathon will be streamed live in it’s entirety to Twitch.tv/RjBass3 and Twitch.tv/RobinsonRangers. Other popular streamers have been known to also pick up the stream for parts of the Mechathon as well including Ria_Gaming and No Guts No Galaxy. Participants should be aware that they are being streamed live and should try to mind their language during the Mechathon.
Have a team?: Are you a MWO player as well as a Twtich streamer? Contact RjBass3 (rkeitchen @ rjsystemsonline.com) to get your own MWO4CH team started. Potential teams need to follow the same rules as stated above. Any prizes or giveaways will need to be procured by the team captain.
That is all for now, check back here as the date gets closer as this page will be updated as needed.
Edited by RjBass3, 16 June 2015 - 06:59 PM.