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New Ui Constructive Feedback!

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#41 zeves


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Posted 02 June 2015 - 01:22 PM

At first glance it seems ok , to find modules could still be bether, maby an option when modifying a mech you can first take items from another mech before buying new items could be in place for the newcomers that wont have 100m worth of equipment,
the color changes seems abit weird to do, but a minor annoyance.
not being able to instantly click on a new mech and edit it like in the old system is gonna be annoying quick, but im sure you can rollback that idea somewhat right?.
for the people that cant use expanded view because of resolution, that must suck but your kind of in the minority now, 1920x1080 has been in use for over 10 years now and has become one of the most used resolutions based on steam surveys.
maby its time for an upgrade?

as a clanner haveing to move from inner sphere to clan to my mechs is also gonna get old fast. maby a toggle could be made, but hopefully youl add the option to go back to the old mech select.

also surely you have enough space to make the number the same height as the icon on hardpoints.
theres no need to make it be so small.

other minor things
could use if you drag something to the omnibods whole box it auto puts it in the top available space in that area of the mech. not haveing to precicely put it in the available spots.

maby togglable to have all the things expanded. so dont have to waste another click to expand say ballistic weapons,

Edited by zeves, 03 June 2015 - 12:23 AM.

#42 MeiSooHaityu


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Posted 02 June 2015 - 02:12 PM

I finally had a chance to look around the new UI a bit.

Only negative that really stood out is I couldn't see where it told me how many open mech bays I had left. I'm sure it is there, but it used to say in the bottom left corner. I don't see it now.

Yet again the community over reacts. The UI seems fine. I do wish I was running a better resolution, but it is ok. I can see it needs tweaking, but some behave like its an atrocity. Lol

#43 Haakon Magnusson


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Posted 02 June 2015 - 02:19 PM

View PostAnimus41, on 02 June 2015 - 10:55 AM, said:

So basically all players with monitors under 1600x900 are screwed when it comes to seeing quirks. This is all around another example of PGI not having any idea what the hell they are doing.

"We here at PGI don't consider failure an option because failure is all we know."

I applaud PGI for the boldness to actually make something in their game require a little bit from players computer, 1600x900 is not REALLY that steep requirement. Now if we can rid ourselves of DX9 support

Edited by Haakon Magnusson, 02 June 2015 - 02:19 PM.

#44 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 02 June 2015 - 02:24 PM

View PostHaakon Magnusson, on 02 June 2015 - 02:19 PM, said:

I applaud PGI for the boldness to actually make something in their game require a little bit from players computer, 1600x900 is not REALLY that steep requirement. Now if we can rid ourselves of DX9 support

Yeah, glad I play at 2560x1440. Should be no problem.

#45 Kassatsu


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Posted 02 June 2015 - 02:30 PM

Looks alright, but I actually liked the old one better.

I'd prefer having all components visible on a paperdoll with a drag and drop feature for equipment on the right (with all categories being collapsible) over what we actually got. Surely it's not that hard to just copy/paste smurfy, right?

Quirks are nowhere to be found (though I did notice selecting a weapon and having its tooltip completely overlap the component selection shows what quirks affect that specific weapon).

Selecting a mech takes like... Three more clicks than it did before instead of just clicking your mech and then hitting play.

Still no custom folders for your mechs, 'favorites' or anything of the sort.

EDIT: As it turns out, both of those are there and hidden behind a little drop box in the upper right corner of the mech lab.

Edited by Kassatsu, 02 June 2015 - 02:34 PM.

#46 Haakon Magnusson


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Posted 02 June 2015 - 02:33 PM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 02 June 2015 - 02:24 PM, said:

Yeah, glad I play at 2560x1440. Should be no problem.

Yup, I mean supporting fullHD res and up from there should be the standard these days.

Visually this game needs to get to this century, unfortunately it does mean that grandma computer won't do it.

View PostKassatsu, on 02 June 2015 - 02:30 PM, said:

Still no custom folders for your mechs, 'favorites' or anything of the sort.

This the biggest omission from this version, I do hope PGI wakes up on this.

#47 Saiphas Cain


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Posted 02 June 2015 - 07:18 PM


I don't need to run a single monitor at eyebleed resolution if MWO would put the mech loadout like the old summary screen on one, fully expanded instead of cramped at the sides, and all the OTHER stuff on my second monitor.

Also, where's the quirks?

#48 Selous


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Posted 02 June 2015 - 07:45 PM

Canadian coding at its finest. I work in the telecom business and the canadians are terrible at over engineering. They need a UI consultant and not from Canada...

#49 Xenon Codex


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Posted 02 June 2015 - 08:05 PM

I don't think 1600x900 requirements are unreasonable for the UI. Decent 1080p monitors can be had for less than a mech pack these days, and trying to play on a budget 768p laptop should be highly discouraged (but still possible if you deal with painful UIs and framerates).

However, I do believe that many players use lower resolutions in-game for performance reasons, and that is understandable.

PGI should decouple the front-end resolution from the in-game resolution, like it was back in UI1.0.

Edited by Xenon Codex, 02 June 2015 - 08:06 PM.

#50 Kushko


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Posted 02 June 2015 - 08:29 PM

Change "home" back to the old mech select where we saw all our mechs in a window and properly colorcode the weapons (green for missiles, red for energy and yellow for ballistics) and ill be a happy camper.

#51 WatDo


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Posted 02 June 2015 - 08:34 PM

My constructive feedback: Destroy this new garbage menufest, fire the idiot/idiots who designed it and start over.

The old mechlab worked fine, it just needed some tweaks. Some Tweak(er)s MADE this new mechlab.

#52 That Guy


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Posted 02 June 2015 - 08:50 PM

the good: mech customization. it will take some getting use to, but it is an improvement.

the bad: seriously? you guys did not change mech selection? that was the most complained about item during the beta test.

fix mech selection. i will give the same feedback that i gave during the test: move the old mechlab selection screen to the home screen. bam, easy. before you could choose mech to drop with in one click, plus maybe a mouse wheel roll, but not now. now it takes5+ clicks to get the mech you want. first open the selection window, then click the tab, then click the mech then click select, then wait. add to this that filter options do not save after drops or game restarts, and this is just bad.

add on top of this we can no longer easily look at our mechs. i like to just look at them

bring the old mech select screen back and paste it to the home screen. if you guys had done that like virtually every one was requesting this would have been a great update, but ay ay ay ay, its just frustrating. why was this pushed out the door?

additionally what is with the resolution restrictions? in the test it worked just fine with lower resolutions. now i have to up my res(for no noticeable visual improvements) and tank my GFX settings or tank my FPS

Edited by That Guy, 02 June 2015 - 08:55 PM.

#53 MW222


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Posted 02 June 2015 - 10:00 PM

View PostAnimus41, on 02 June 2015 - 10:46 AM, said:

Too bad you only get the expanded version if you have a big enough monitor.

Once again PGI delivers a POS that no one wanted. The UI from open beta was better than this crap. Now you have to go through click button maze just to get to the mech you want. I liked the thumbnail version where I could actually see what mech i was choosing. I liked the being able to see the entire loadout of my mechs in one go but now I'm being penalized because I have only a 19inch monitor. PGI you really have no idea how to run an MMO.

Devs, the UI it's, it's. THE COLORS ............

You guys it looks 8 bit, the FONT size now is almost unreadable.

It was visually ergonomic before but not now.

PLEASE let us go back to the last UI.

#54 Gianky


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Posted 03 June 2015 - 04:07 AM

View PostThat Guy, on 02 June 2015 - 08:50 PM, said:

the good: mech customization. it will take some getting use to, but it is an improvement.

the bad: seriously? you guys did not change mech selection? that was the most complained about item during the beta test.

fix mech selection. i will give the same feedback that i gave during the test: move the old mechlab selection screen to the home screen. bam, easy. before you could choose mech to drop with in one click, plus maybe a mouse wheel roll, but not now. now it takes5+ clicks to get the mech you want. first open the selection window, then click the tab, then click the mech then click select, then wait. add to this that filter options do not save after drops or game restarts, and this is just bad.

add on top of this we can no longer easily look at our mechs. i like to just look at them

bring the old mech select screen back and paste it to the home screen. if you guys had done that like virtually every one was requesting this would have been a great update, but ay ay ay ay, its just frustrating. why was this pushed out the door?

What he said. The new mechlab is fine (in its expanded form; you need to get rid of resolution restrictions, though), but we need the old mech selection screen, because:

1) it's way more intuitive and easier;
2) as ThatGuy said, we just love to look at our little tin soldiers.

Put it in the home page, as ThatGuy suggested, it's probably the best solution!

#55 Nightmare1


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Posted 03 June 2015 - 05:10 AM

Liking the new UI, but I miss being able to see the Mech Quirks without having to open my browser and look them up on Smurfy. Is there a way to see them in-game?

Also, did PGI implement a module search function?

Overall, nicely done! It just needs a "What's New?" tutorial. I'd also like to see the "Ready Lance" that we had in the original Mechlab where we could select up to four Mechs to be "Ready" for fast dropping. I think that would really help cut-down on down time in between matches when you have a group of people who are trying to change up Mechs by weight class.

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