2-3won, rest was total stomp from the ennemy team.
Got headshotted as a Warhawk while moving
I was Hidden in the Buildings, but once i tried to shot someone VomitLaser Timberwolf was ready to alpha strikes me in the CT when he had absolutly no idea i could be here (No, there was no UAV, AND actually he did it twice even tho i waited lonnng before shoting again)
Torsotwisting with a Blackjack 1x, still getting killed in the CT (by PPC, not laser)
Dying pretty fast with a cataphract... (Ok, this is normal, the cataphract is large)
I actually don't even know if there is alot of hackers recently, because i didn't played for 1-2month... but like 10lose streak? Never occured to me.
Killing the fun...
(Nope, it's not because I'm a bad player, I don't want to be Arrogant but if the best player in MWO would have 2500Elo, then i would have around 2000+ Because i keep seeing kinda the same good players on my team sometimes, first that come into my mind is Proton)
#MyLife a lil topic just to rage... even tho it gonna do nothing.
And i wanted to do the challenge and EXP my cataphracts.... ><
#Edit: I knew i had to precise it, it was over 400m, river city, i was in the city, they were in water, allies too.
Edited by Lyxid, 29 May 2015 - 01:26 PM.