Instead of the old first full 12 group to drop chooses mode or the newer 50/50 attack/counter why don't we base CW mode on random assignment of map sector to first/next-in-queue 12 man to drop?
This will automatically skew mode selection on a planet such that a planet will be 50% percent contested. If a map has little to no occupation (ie majority of sectors are blue) there will be more attacks as there will be more blue sectors randomly selected. The same holds true in the opposite direction as when there are more red sectors to randomly select there will be more hold territory/counter-attacks,
It will give some incentive for early play to mean either setting up a planet for contest or denying your foe the same.
The current mode is less efficient at achieving and maintaining a balance of 50% planet occupation if there are an even number of drops going HALF of your side contributes less unless the map is at 50% already. Current play example with even number of groups: before 50% (especially at the lower percentages) half of your team is defending instead of attacking (really annoying example last night when I had 6 CW hold-position matches in a row on the SAME sector with less than 50% occupation); above 50% (like 80% plus) the defenders are hurt and the attackers are benefitted when they get a disproportionate amount of attacks compared to real estate.
My proposed state would drive occupation towards 50% and make for more heated battles near the cease fie but it would also give OpFor (attack or defend) a better chance to bring planets that are at low/high percentages to become relevant.
Let me know how crazy I sound but be nice,
Cw Mode Based On Random Sector Assignment Not Pre-Determined
Started by Parduke, Jun 03 2015 04:35 PM
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