No. Get a Warhawk, I sincerely regret selling mine.... its a superior brawler to the Dire given how the Dire cant actually reach the combat zone in time..... and once it does your basically dead because you just get focused instantly, just think 6 mechs panic when they see you, then they all shoot you...alot...with all there weapons even with the massive armor of the dire you cant weather that storm and your two slow to get out of the way of fire. Once you dedicate your mech to a lane that's it your stuck in for better of for worse I've had matches where I've only done 100 damage because I was to slow to relocate time to reach the combat area.

Should I Buy A Dire Wolf? (Getting My First Assault)
Started by Dingo Battler, Jun 04 2015 09:05 PM
21 replies to this topic
Posted 10 June 2015 - 08:52 AM
Posted 10 June 2015 - 10:07 PM
I've been playing around with my TW build more, and now have a close and mid ranged brawler, plus, reading through the replies here, I don't think I need anymore brawlers.
I've been considering the warhawk, but its too similar to a TW, and gets more fire pumped into it.
Interested in playing a Gauss/laser build, because Gauss (,LRMs and PPCs, but not interested) are the only weapons I haven't tried. If anything, it'd be the metamech space whale build here:
I have the same questions regarding the build:
1) Is it right to play it like this: I guess its a mid range damage dealer? From the replies here, It seems like I hang around the middle of the pack and poke at enemies at much as I can. When the herd pushes in, I have to push in too, or get left behind. When I shoot far off, I stand behind a bit of cover, but as far as possible, not backtrack?
2) Is it possible to poke with the DW? The DW seems like a terrible poker, given its slow speed, and slow torso, so correct me if I'm wrong. I've seen more than a few DWs poking in matches though, in addition to backpedaling. I understand that it cannot escape brawls, but with regards to poking, I've seen 2 styles. 1 style is to just stand there and blast everything that appears, stand out and proud in the open (sometimes in a bit of cover), and force them to retreat. The second style is to weave in and out of cover, backpeadling, and playing the shy poker game with others. I've spent quite a bit of time waiting behind DWs for the inevitable brawl to break out, which is how I've seen both styles.
3) I'm eventually going to learn the sniping/PPC game (planning on buying the ala-carte DW), since I'll be getting 3 variants. However, I heard that PPC has been gimped, and honestly, it seems like a terrible weapon, poor damage, heavy tonnage, low projectile speed (especially compared to gauss). Is sniping even viable anymore? It seems these days, the long range game is just to get someone to TAG/NARC, then LRM them into oblivion. Forgive me if I am ignorant of the meta for sniping, as I've been brawling and doing nothing else. Also, if this is the case, is support mid-range damage dealer the only role for DWs?
I've been considering the warhawk, but its too similar to a TW, and gets more fire pumped into it.
Interested in playing a Gauss/laser build, because Gauss (,LRMs and PPCs, but not interested) are the only weapons I haven't tried. If anything, it'd be the metamech space whale build here:
I have the same questions regarding the build:
1) Is it right to play it like this: I guess its a mid range damage dealer? From the replies here, It seems like I hang around the middle of the pack and poke at enemies at much as I can. When the herd pushes in, I have to push in too, or get left behind. When I shoot far off, I stand behind a bit of cover, but as far as possible, not backtrack?
2) Is it possible to poke with the DW? The DW seems like a terrible poker, given its slow speed, and slow torso, so correct me if I'm wrong. I've seen more than a few DWs poking in matches though, in addition to backpedaling. I understand that it cannot escape brawls, but with regards to poking, I've seen 2 styles. 1 style is to just stand there and blast everything that appears, stand out and proud in the open (sometimes in a bit of cover), and force them to retreat. The second style is to weave in and out of cover, backpeadling, and playing the shy poker game with others. I've spent quite a bit of time waiting behind DWs for the inevitable brawl to break out, which is how I've seen both styles.
3) I'm eventually going to learn the sniping/PPC game (planning on buying the ala-carte DW), since I'll be getting 3 variants. However, I heard that PPC has been gimped, and honestly, it seems like a terrible weapon, poor damage, heavy tonnage, low projectile speed (especially compared to gauss). Is sniping even viable anymore? It seems these days, the long range game is just to get someone to TAG/NARC, then LRM them into oblivion. Forgive me if I am ignorant of the meta for sniping, as I've been brawling and doing nothing else. Also, if this is the case, is support mid-range damage dealer the only role for DWs?
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