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Need Some Advice For Cw

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#1 Blue47


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Posted 04 June 2015 - 01:33 PM


i intend to drop solo into CW.

im currently using:
locust with 6 ml
atlas ddc with 2 lrg pls, srm 16 + art, ac20
trial QKD with 2 ppc
cicada with er ppc and 4 mg

in my last game someone told me that my locust would be too weak, and he is somehow right, the firestarter should be better in any possible way for CW. but i could also use a spider with ecm, im not sure on what to do here. i want at least one light mech. (also for tonnage)

my atlas should work fine so far, though im having issues with hitting people with my srm. it also comes with an ecm, so i would like to stick with it. or should i get a dual gauss kingcrab? or even an awesome with 3 er ppc? i want to have at least 1 mech with big firepower, brawling is fine for me.

i chose the trial QKD because i dont have enough mechs yet, and 2 ppcs sound nice on paper. my results should also be fine with that mech, but i intend to get a solid alternative for it. i thought about a jagermech with lrms (im not sure whether they would work in CW) or something else for longrange fire.

my cicada is also quite a filler, there should be better mechs for that, but i dont really know which ;) i thought about a medium (there wont be much tonnage left anyway), best would be something for long range sniping (er ppc or even gauss, though i would like ppc better).

are my ideas fine for CW or are there better choices? i heard people talking about the stalker 4n, are those 6 LL really that strong? this thing would be expensive as **** (i would also need 2 other stalkers for the efficiencies).

i would be grateful for any advise.

sincerely yours,

a possible teammate in the future ;)

Edited by Blue47, 04 June 2015 - 01:34 PM.

#2 Leone


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Posted 04 June 2015 - 10:44 PM

Okay, first off, if you need the locust for tonnage, take the locust. You can use those to good effect. Imagine, if you will, the enemy team, set up in a firing line waiting for the enemy to push through the gates, and lo, but what do the see, a locust, dashing pell mell into the kill zone! The brave little mech darts and jukes, weapons fire all about. Lasers strike forth, autocannons throw up debris, Gauss rounds impact the ground, and then, whilest the lasers cool, the Autocannons reload and the Gauss rounds whine down, an atlas appears with two stalkers following...

Lights can tank more damage than an assault, piloted well. And on a push, every beam dancing over you is one less drilling through the heavies. Trust me, I don't see it often, but when I do, it is glorious. Of course, then one day you meet a streak crow...

As for the Atlas, love it myself. I always say you should bring at least one brawler. But then, I usually like to bring more. In fact, I've had some great games with three novas and a 'Goyle, brawlers all. And yes, I've seen stalkers in game. They do seem to be good.

Not sure about having A cicada and a locust though. I mean yeah, gives you room for an 80 tonner and a 100 tonner, but you gotta make em both count. And whilest the quickdraw is a solid soldier, it doesn't really stand out with that load out. How bout the Victor? You got room for the trial Victor?

~Leone, Raid Leader of the Crimson Hand.

Edited by Leone, 04 June 2015 - 11:03 PM.

#3 Blue47


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Posted 05 June 2015 - 05:35 AM

i will switch those 3 mechs for sure and will probably also switch the atlas for a stalker.
i think i will take a firestarter for the locust.

a stalker and firestarter make 120 tons, so i may still decide on those other 120.
are there any decent mechs for er ppc? or is it all lasers?

thank your for your reply ;)

#4 Blue47


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Posted 05 June 2015 - 11:21 AM

i will use a thunderbolt with er ppcs, which leaves 55 tonnes or space for something else.

#5 Ace Selin


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Posted 06 June 2015 - 09:47 PM

you could then add BJ 1X with 6 med and 2 med pls or SHD 2K with 3 ERLL / 3xsrm6 + 3 med lasers

#6 Leone


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 07:49 AM

I personally preferred Uac 5 Shadowhawks myself. But wwhen I was dropping three Hawks, my third was the three medium lasers, three srm 6 Shadowhawk 2k. It's a vicious but often short lived brawler. But yeah, 55 tonnes left? Hard to go wrong with a shadow hawk.

~Leone, Raid Leader of the Crimson Hand.

#7 DarkMetalBlade


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 04:55 PM

If the OP has no intentions to join a unit like myself, the best advice that I can give is this: Keep out of CW.

Seriously, stay away - there's a reason people call it hardcore mode: if you face a unit-fielded group as a PUG, you're not going to have a good time, regardless of which faction you're in.

#8 Leone


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 07:49 PM

I disagree.

~Leone, Raid Leader of the crimson Hand.

#9 Heart of Storm


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 05:32 AM

Also disagree, CW is a desert as it is, we need PUGs to breathe life into it.

That is of course unless you particularly enjoy endless ghost drops?

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