oldradagast, on 08 June 2015 - 05:39 PM, said:
You do realize that the sizes were made for a table-top game, right? If a Locust was about as big as an Atlas - like I sometimes here Purists whine it should be - it would be less than useless. Same with all lighter mechs - only a few Heavies and Assaults would be remotely playable in such a world.
Why? Because we can actually AIM in this game. They could have said that the Locust was a mile tall in table-top, and who cares? You're still rolling the same dice to try to hit it, and the hit modifies are not in any way affected by the mech's supposed size. But in a game that involves actual aiming, the lighter, fragiler mechs had dang well better be a lot smaller if you expect anyone to use them.
Not so true, Lights in MW2 weren't scaled down, and people used them without the issues, and that was using straight TT armor and damage numbers, where 20 damage was enough to CT core a Light. I loved using a Firemoth, speed was life, and death if you weren't watching, hitting walls or boulders at 200kph was instant death.
Yeah, see, people don't want to actually have to TRY, that is the problem. MW2, Light pilots were nuts, but we had a blast and did just fine in our suicide rides against Marauder IICs, Warhammer IICs and Dire Wolves, because we had to BE better than they were, they could make a mistake and not die, we didn't have that option, mistakes WERE death. And it was fun.
But gamers today, you make it take skill and punish mistakes and they scream and cry about it not being FAIR! They want easy button games.
Go on, tell me I'm full of it, I'll point to the fact that this game is now much easier than it was in CB, armor has doubled because of the crying during CB. JJs are mostly useless on anything over 50 tons, PPCs and ERPPCs are slower than hell, Gauss has a charge, and people STILL whine about those weapons. Ghost heat....shall I continue with all the fun things that easy button whiners have brought to the game because skill isn't something they think should be required to play a video game?
Go find a copy of the original MW2, see how easy it was to play, and tell me why that game sold more copies than MW3/MW4/MechAssault/MA2 AND made more than MWO has to date, cause that game sure as hell wasn't easy and it did NOT treat crybabies well.