Executioner And Ebon Jaguar Countdown: 0 Days Left!
Posted 17 June 2015 - 03:28 AM
Posted 17 June 2015 - 03:51 AM
White Bear 84, on 17 June 2015 - 03:25 AM, said:
Jimmy DiGriz, on 17 June 2015 - 03:28 AM, said:
It should be in the FAQ, which you should be checking for this stuff.
There's a thread about it on the front page.
There's the answer there and in the FAQ.
Q: What are the release dates for the Clan Wave 3 Content?
As with our previous Collections, the Clan Wave 3 'Mechs will be provided in stages.
- June 16th: Executioner and Ebon Jaguar (plus a fourth Variant of each chassis for Early Adopters)
- July 21st: Shadow Cat and Arctic Cheetah (plus a fourth Variant of each chassis for Early Adopters)
- July 21st: Banked Premium Time, Badges, and Faction Content (Faction Content is based on player selection; Faction Content Selection will go live for Wave 3 owners on July 21st)
Posted 17 June 2015 - 03:54 AM
Ovion, on 17 June 2015 - 03:51 AM, said:
It should be in the FAQ, which you should be checking for this stuff.
- July 21st: Banked Premium Time, Badges, and Faction Content (Faction Content is based on player selection; Faction Content Selection will go live for Wave 3 owners on July 21st)
Missed this, thanks though

Posted 17 June 2015 - 05:31 AM
Knight2416, on 17 June 2015 - 01:36 AM, said:
Looks like profile button removed, in game one on bottom left section of screen.
Thanks Knight.
And finally, a second question: Has there been any mention of when the EXE-D right arm omnipod will become available?
Posted 17 June 2015 - 05:50 AM
legatoblues, on 17 June 2015 - 05:31 AM, said:
Thanks Knight.
And finally, a second question: Has there been any mention of when the EXE-D right arm omnipod will become available?
The same time the mechs become available for C-bills, September 1st. Cauldron Born Cs will be available September 15th
I missed out on that one too, didn't decide to upgrade to the Koala pack until half way through the countdown

Edited by Twilight Fenrir, 17 June 2015 - 05:51 AM.
Posted 17 June 2015 - 07:35 AM
Have only tried the Prime variant and only changes I made involved removing the MG's and some HS's, replacing them with Gauss ammo. Little light on the armament so I will be trying some builds that give me a little more versatility.
Posted 17 June 2015 - 07:59 AM
I haven't quite worked out the Koalas yet.... but, all assaults suck until they are elited, so... I just gotta stick to 'em and grind away. I've got a couple good builds, just gotta get used to piloting them.
Posted 21 June 2015 - 07:54 AM

I pull about 600 damage a match with the thing now, unless I get unlucky. So, yeah, it's a surprisingly awesome mech. Despite how awful it looked on paper. Glad I upgraded n.n
Edited by Twilight Fenrir, 21 June 2015 - 07:54 AM.
Posted 21 June 2015 - 10:03 AM
Twilight Fenrir, on 21 June 2015 - 07:54 AM, said:

I pull about 600 damage a match with the thing now, unless I get unlucky. So, yeah, it's a surprisingly awesome mech. Despite how awful it looked on paper. Glad I upgraded n.n
What builds are you running on your Koala?
I personally only really have one build so far that works for me, which is 2xLargePulse, 7xSmallPulse.
Then again, I have mainly been playing my Jags, so I have not had much time to try out my Sexecutioners.
Posted 21 June 2015 - 10:26 AM
Posted 21 June 2015 - 03:45 PM
EAP10, on 21 June 2015 - 10:03 AM, said:
I personally only really have one build so far that works for me, which is 2xLargePulse, 7xSmallPulse.
Then again, I have mainly been playing my Jags, so I have not had much time to try out my Sexecutioners.
Well, I've only got two builds working right atm...
My best one is Gauss in Right Torso, and 2 ERPPC in right arm.
The other is 2 LPLs and 4 ERMLs.
I found my Koala's really started to perform after I bumped up the C torso armor to the max

I like it better than my Dire Wolf, and seem to do better in it too, somehow. Now if only they'd fix the jump jets...
Posted 21 June 2015 - 03:49 PM
Spr1ggan, on 21 June 2015 - 10:26 AM, said:
Executioners advantage over the Timberwolf (mad cat), Hellbringer (loki), and Couldron born are...
-Equal or greator firepower
-Faster acceleration and deceleration.
-higher JJ height and capacity
-3E high mounted hardpoints
Posted 21 June 2015 - 04:49 PM
Nightshade24, on 21 June 2015 - 03:49 PM, said:
-Equal or greator firepower
-Faster acceleration and deceleration.
-higher JJ height and capacity
-3E high mounted hardpoints
Um.... As much as I love the Koala, really only 2.5 things in that list are true ^^;
It definitely has less firepower than the CB or the TW. It has less pod space, though, it DOES have more built in heat sinks. Plus MASC takes up crit space that can't be used for heatsinks.
Definitely got faster accel/decel with MASC
The JJs on it are awful. All assault mech JJs are nigh useless. The TW does jump higher.
It does have nice high hardpoints in the side torsos... but that's pretty much it. And the Cauldron Born knocks it to oblivion with its high hardpoints.
MASC is F*ing awesome <3
Ultimately, I think it comes down to maneuverability. It is incredibly nimble with MASC. And that's why I love it. I would never really use it in CW... But, I definitely enjoy using it in regular matches. If you're someone who brings a Dire Wolf to CW, you might consider giving it a try. I just prefer to run my CBs

Edited by Twilight Fenrir, 21 June 2015 - 04:53 PM.
Posted 21 June 2015 - 09:00 PM
Twilight Fenrir, on 21 June 2015 - 04:49 PM, said:
It definitely has less firepower than the CB or the TW. It has less pod space, though, it DOES have more built in heat sinks. Plus MASC takes up crit space that can't be used for heatsinks.
Definitely got faster accelerate/deceleate with MASC
The JJs on it are awful. All assault mech JJs are nigh useless. The TW does jump higher.
It does have nice high hardpoints in the side torsos... but that's pretty much it. And the Cauldron Born knocks it to oblivion with its high hardpoints.
MASC is F*ing awesome <3
Ultimately, I think it comes down to maneuverability. It is incredibly nimble with MASC. And that's why I love it. I would never really use it in CW... But, I definitely enjoy using it in regular matches. If you're someone who brings a Dire Wolf to CW, you might consider giving it a try. I just prefer to run my CBs

Timberwolf and Couldron born at best based on average meta have the same firepower and heat efficiency in terms of laser boating, for instance:
4 x ER medium laser
2 x Large pulse lasers
heat effeciency (40% - 46%) EXE-D
heat effeciency (37% - 43%) TBR-D
heat effeciency (39% - 44%) EBON JAGUAR EBJ-B
5 x ER medium laser
2 x Large pulse lasers
(no skills - mastery set skills)
heat efficiency (34% - 39%) : EXE-L4Z0R V0M1T
heat effeciency (34% - 39%) EBJ-LAZORS!
heat effeciency (33% - 38%) TBR-Lasomit
In 4:2 weapon config, Executioner has the massive lead due to the CT heatsinks in the engine while the Timberwolf AND couldron born are worse. BUT in the 5:2 configeration the 2 heavy mechs get a bit of a lead as that spare ton used on utility devices or armour is now used for a weapon. Making the Couldron born on Par with the executioner... however...
Executioner jumps higher then both Timberwolf AND the grounded couldron born. As well as have MASC providing insane agility, mobility, and acceleration and decelleration (MASC + Jumpjets = very deadly combo... shadowcat will be fun)
The Executioner has 3 relative high hardpoints for E or 1 E and 2B, while Ebon jaguar relative only has 2E up high or 2E 1B or 2E 1M, the Timberwolf can mount the A torso to get 3 relatively high.
The Executioner also heavily out armours the Timberwolf and Couldron born, the Couldron born even having leg and CT issues in terms of size relative to other parts however we'll skip that for now.
Most ballistic builds the Timberwolf can do the Executioner does better.
However the Couldron born easily can do duel gauss or duel UAC 20 or tripple UAC 5, Beating the Executioner in duel large ballistic builds, however tripple UAC 5 build is rather strange, Executioner has 2 up high relative while Couldron born has 1 relatively high but the Couldron born will have more support lasers... the Executioner will only have 1-2 medium lasers for suport but it still has it's jumpjet, MASC, and armour advantage, here it is just a mattor of tastes.
In terms of missiles the Timberwolf and Couldron born would beat the executioner in sheer missile power for SRM's or SSRM's compaired to the Executioners currently limited 2M hardpoints. however the Executioner strikes back for missiles which challanges the timberwolf but the COuldron born still holds strong here. However if we go beyond extreme missile boating of 4 x LRM 15 + TAG then we will see the Executioner have some action.
EXE-LRM is on the verge of being a good LRM mech but for a Clan assault it doesn't do that bad as well as carry decent energy sujpport (note: very quick rushed build. Not really the same as my LRM executioner that I have in game when I ran it0
Also the final point I should make: TImberwolf has been severaly nerfed to the point that the meta does not fit well on it. So any E build it has the executioner automatically does better.
Couldron born however is not quirked and is nearly head and head to the executioner. However the massive change that will settle which is better will be the wave III quirk pass...
Tell me, what's the likely hood of the Couldron born getting good quirks... and Executioner?
Note on Jumpjets: the Executioner is different... when most people saw the video with it on the MASC jump jet leap, people thoguht they are going to buff JJ seeing how well that 95 tonner flew with 4 JJ
Even look on paper...
Timberwolf with 4 Jumpjets: 20.48 meters jump altitude...
Executioner with 4 jumpjets... 25.27 meters jump altitude...
Timberwolf with 5 Jumpjets... 25.60 meters jump altitude... 1 ton heavier then Executioners JJ tonnage.
I use it quite heavily, the Executioner, and it can jump over most obstacles I struggle with in some heavies... the JJ are far from useless, at least for my taste, and if I had the option to remove them I would keep them on for most of my builds at least.
with this JJ advantage as well, I've seen some Executioners duel ER PPC Gauss playing it like a 10 damage, 20 ton heavier cataphrat 3D from the old meta. Rather charming to see it do that well.
Final anylsis on some of your points:
MASC: Sure, it takes up crit slots for the use of heatsinks, but it already does 'more' then the timberwolf and couldron born... how much more do you need? =P
CW: I do not play CW often, I loose very often due to the fact a Dragon out sustains DPS's a Dakka direwolf and Locust 3V's snipping you from 1500 meters+ and all sorts of crazyness meta or not from 50% quirks.
However I did for a few points for the cool offs, and the Executioner provided me in a 2 EXE, 2 MLX dropdeck my first propper game with over 1500 damage game since tukayiid, and I can tell you now it wasn't the Mist Lynxes that did most of the damage (couldn't even use my C...)
I like this mech quite a bit and I do not see any game mode un-fit for it...
in CW it can keep up with the timberwolf and stormcrows in most charges and rushes.
in Assault it can keep pace with the team dispite being a 95 ton assault and it's speed and firepower makes it a great base rusher and works well in the close urban enviroments some Assault maps force you in
In Conquest you can expect this thing doing very well seeing it's 95 tons and MASC and speed and Jumpjet,s making it technically the best capper MW: O has atm due to the fast capping speed for a 95 tonner, and the fast mobility for the weight class.
In skirmish?... well at least you are less prone to being ditched like many assault mechs... I hate how people seem to run away from there own assaults.
Edited by Nightshade24, 21 June 2015 - 09:01 PM.
Posted 22 June 2015 - 03:17 AM
Twilight Fenrir, on 21 June 2015 - 03:45 PM, said:
My best one is Gauss in Right Torso, and 2 ERPPC in right arm.
The other is 2 LPLs and 4 ERMLs.
I found my Koala's really started to perform after I bumped up the C torso armor to the max

I like it better than my Dire Wolf, and seem to do better in it too, somehow. Now if only they'd fix the jump jets...
I hear ya. Too bad they cannot implement JJ quirks. Anyways, I guess I still need to fool around in the mechlab to find good builds for this mech.
Am also really loving MASC, I once saw a EXE back up as fast as a light. I was like 'whoah...'
Posted 22 June 2015 - 04:54 AM
Nightshade24, on 21 June 2015 - 09:00 PM, said:
4 x ER medium laser
2 x Large pulse lasers
heat effeciency (40% - 46%) EXE-D
heat effeciency (37% - 43%) TBR-D
heat effeciency (39% - 44%) EBON JAGUAR EBJ-B
5 x ER medium laser
2 x Large pulse lasers
(no skills - mastery set skills)
heat efficiency (34% - 39%) : EXE-L4Z0R V0M1T
heat effeciency (34% - 39%) EBJ-LAZORS!
heat effeciency (33% - 38%) TBR-Lasomit
In 4:2 weapon config, Executioner has the massive lead due to the CT heatsinks in the engine while the Timberwolf AND couldron born are worse. BUT in the 5:2 configeration the 2 heavy mechs get a bit of a lead as that spare ton used on utility devices or armour is now used for a weapon. Making the Couldron born on Par with the executioner... however...
Executioner jumps higher then both Timberwolf AND the grounded couldron born. As well as have MASC providing insane agility, mobility, and acceleration and decelleration (MASC + Jumpjets = very deadly combo... shadowcat will be fun)
The Executioner has 3 relative high hardpoints for E or 1 E and 2B, while Ebon jaguar relative only has 2E up high or 2E 1B or 2E 1M, the Timberwolf can mount the A torso to get 3 relatively high.
The Executioner also heavily out armours the Timberwolf and Couldron born, the Couldron born even having leg and CT issues in terms of size relative to other parts however we'll skip that for now.
Most ballistic builds the Timberwolf can do the Executioner does better.
However the Couldron born easily can do duel gauss or duel UAC 20 or tripple UAC 5, Beating the Executioner in duel large ballistic builds, however tripple UAC 5 build is rather strange, Executioner has 2 up high relative while Couldron born has 1 relatively high but the Couldron born will have more support lasers... the Executioner will only have 1-2 medium lasers for suport but it still has it's jumpjet, MASC, and armour advantage, here it is just a mattor of tastes.
In terms of missiles the Timberwolf and Couldron born would beat the executioner in sheer missile power for SRM's or SSRM's compaired to the Executioners currently limited 2M hardpoints. however the Executioner strikes back for missiles which challanges the timberwolf but the COuldron born still holds strong here. However if we go beyond extreme missile boating of 4 x LRM 15 + TAG then we will see the Executioner have some action.
EXE-LRM is on the verge of being a good LRM mech but for a Clan assault it doesn't do that bad as well as carry decent energy sujpport (note: very quick rushed build. Not really the same as my LRM executioner that I have in game when I ran it0
Also the final point I should make: TImberwolf has been severaly nerfed to the point that the meta does not fit well on it. So any E build it has the executioner automatically does better.
Couldron born however is not quirked and is nearly head and head to the executioner. However the massive change that will settle which is better will be the wave III quirk pass...
Tell me, what's the likely hood of the Couldron born getting good quirks... and Executioner?
Note on Jumpjets: the Executioner is different... when most people saw the video with it on the MASC jump jet leap, people thoguht they are going to buff JJ seeing how well that 95 tonner flew with 4 JJ
Even look on paper...
Timberwolf with 4 Jumpjets: 20.48 meters jump altitude...
Executioner with 4 jumpjets... 25.27 meters jump altitude...
Timberwolf with 5 Jumpjets... 25.60 meters jump altitude... 1 ton heavier then Executioners JJ tonnage.
I use it quite heavily, the Executioner, and it can jump over most obstacles I struggle with in some heavies... the JJ are far from useless, at least for my taste, and if I had the option to remove them I would keep them on for most of my builds at least.
with this JJ advantage as well, I've seen some Executioners duel ER PPC Gauss playing it like a 10 damage, 20 ton heavier cataphrat 3D from the old meta. Rather charming to see it do that well.
Final anylsis on some of your points:
MASC: Sure, it takes up crit slots for the use of heatsinks, but it already does 'more' then the timberwolf and couldron born... how much more do you need? =P
CW: I do not play CW often, I loose very often due to the fact a Dragon out sustains DPS's a Dakka direwolf and Locust 3V's snipping you from 1500 meters+ and all sorts of crazyness meta or not from 50% quirks.
However I did for a few points for the cool offs, and the Executioner provided me in a 2 EXE, 2 MLX dropdeck my first propper game with over 1500 damage game since tukayiid, and I can tell you now it wasn't the Mist Lynxes that did most of the damage (couldn't even use my C...)
I like this mech quite a bit and I do not see any game mode un-fit for it...
in CW it can keep up with the timberwolf and stormcrows in most charges and rushes.
in Assault it can keep pace with the team dispite being a 95 ton assault and it's speed and firepower makes it a great base rusher and works well in the close urban enviroments some Assault maps force you in
In Conquest you can expect this thing doing very well seeing it's 95 tons and MASC and speed and Jumpjet,s making it technically the best capper MW: O has atm due to the fast capping speed for a 95 tonner, and the fast mobility for the weight class.
In skirmish?... well at least you are less prone to being ditched like many assault mechs... I hate how people seem to run away from there own assaults.
Whew there's a lot there ^^;
Yes, if we're talking meta, the Koala can sustain the meta laser builds better than the heavies. But, the meta isn't the best builds for the CB in my opinion. I love it as a ballistic god, and it wrecks face loaded down with UACs.
The CBs arms are also pretty high. Relative to the cockpit, they are roughly the same height as the Koala's nipple-guns. Everything the CB has is a high weapon mount.
I don't buy that the Koala can jump as well as a heavy... Further, perhaps, but not very high. It DOES jump better than my Heavy Metal somehow.... Despite my HM having one more JJ, and weighing 5 tons LESS than the Koala. It jumps higher moving forward than it does from a standstill...
It does do amazingly well with Guass + 2ERPPC. That's how I roll my prime.
With how much MASC does for the Koala.... The Shadowcat is going to be the single most maneuverable mech in the game hands down! It will turn, accelerate to full speed, and stop faster than any mech in the game.... Can't wait!
Edited by Twilight Fenrir, 22 June 2015 - 04:56 AM.
Posted 22 June 2015 - 05:41 AM
The Cauldron Born's hard points are all high - actual height is irrelevant, what matters is height relative to the cockpit and how much of your mech must be out of cover when firing. A meta EBJ sort of build - 2LPL in side torsos (neither being mounted high) and 4 arm ERML's fires all those weapons from basically chin height.
The EXE's arm mounts are horrible.
Posted 22 June 2015 - 08:19 AM
Wintersdark, on 22 June 2015 - 05:41 AM, said:
The Cauldron Born's hard points are all high - actual height is irrelevant, what matters is height relative to the cockpit and how much of your mech must be out of cover when firing. A meta EBJ sort of build - 2LPL in side torsos (neither being mounted high) and 4 arm ERML's fires all those weapons from basically chin height.
The EXE's arm mounts are horrible.
If you wanted to... You could slap a TAG in the 3E left torso, and mount both LPLs up high, but that puts you at risk of losing both weapons with one torso, plus that torso is now that much more shootable. Still, you could hill-hug like a prominophile. And that TAG might earn you soke friends

The arms aren't so bad... Just gotta building hug, rather than hill hug. With the Gauss 2ERPPC build, I poke around a corner just enough to clear my right torso pop a shot, and MASC my arse into safety

Edited by Twilight Fenrir, 22 June 2015 - 08:21 AM.
Posted 22 June 2015 - 08:23 AM
Nightshade24, on 21 June 2015 - 03:49 PM, said:
-Equal or greator firepower
-Faster acceleration and deceleration.
-higher JJ height and capacity
-3E high mounted hardpoints
Higher acceleration and deceleration in short bursts. All the other mechs i listed are faster and more manoeuvrable. The jump jets on the Exe are as good as the the ones on the Highlander as in they suck. The Exe also has far worse hitboxes than the mechs i listed.
It is a subpar assault, in that role you want a mech with superior firepower to a heavy, not equal to it while also being worse off in other areas. Hence why the Dire is still the best Clan assault.
Edited by Spr1ggan, 22 June 2015 - 09:59 AM.
Posted 22 June 2015 - 10:36 AM
Twilight Fenrir, on 22 June 2015 - 08:19 AM, said:

The arms aren't so bad... Just gotta building hug, rather than hill hug. With the Gauss 2ERPPC build, I poke around a corner just enough to clear my right torso pop a shot, and MASC my arse into safety

The arms are very bad. Ignore peekaboo, most of our maps have few flat areas. The EXE arms are some of the lowest re: cockpit in the game. It becomes extremely easy to be unable to fire at people who can fire at you. If you've got that D side torso, it's not as big a deal, but if you don't? Your 95t assault has one weapon that can fire.
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