I've seen people use various amounts, how many of them would be good when combined with Autocannon? Also, do you need those 'macros' to use Flamers properly in MWO?

How Many Flamers Do I Need?
Started by G4LV4TR0N, Nov 06 2016 04:15 AM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 06 November 2016 - 04:15 AM
Posted 06 November 2016 - 04:16 AM
No macros needed.
2 is generally enough.
2 is generally enough.
Posted 06 November 2016 - 05:13 AM
But technically, without macros how should I use them? First hold button to charge, then keep them on target holding button or should I rapidly keep clicking instead? Also what is the efficiency difference between Flamer numbers?
Posted 07 November 2016 - 03:59 AM
Keep holding the button. Rapid clicking is not useful at all.
You should hold the button for 4/5 seconds, then stop for the bar (if you fill the bar, you will start generating heat for yourself much faster), and then fire again.
You should hold the button for 4/5 seconds, then stop for the bar (if you fill the bar, you will start generating heat for yourself much faster), and then fire again.
Posted 09 November 2016 - 12:07 PM
Ah, I see you are confused by the great flamer nerf. In the past, flamers had individual cooldowns, so chainfiring two was the way to go. Now, however, all flamers share a global (For you mech) cooldown, so you'll want fire em all at once.
Hold the button down till you think your enemies running near heat limit, and then cease fire for a bit (There's pause before the flamer tracker coolsdown. you can continue to fire once it's gone all red, but then your own heat starts to sky rocket.)
Important information to remember, Flamer's'll never force someone's heat above 90%, so continuing to fire once they've hit that limit'll do you no good. Also, ballistics will be your bane, as someone skilled at riding thier heat curve'll be able to continue fighting. Lastly, remember the range. 90m ain't alot.
Good luck, and keep burning. <o.
Hold the button down till you think your enemies running near heat limit, and then cease fire for a bit (There's pause before the flamer tracker coolsdown. you can continue to fire once it's gone all red, but then your own heat starts to sky rocket.)
Important information to remember, Flamer's'll never force someone's heat above 90%, so continuing to fire once they've hit that limit'll do you no good. Also, ballistics will be your bane, as someone skilled at riding thier heat curve'll be able to continue fighting. Lastly, remember the range. 90m ain't alot.
Good luck, and keep burning. <o.
Edited by Leone, 09 November 2016 - 12:08 PM.
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