Salutations to Scout Derek for that 2am (my time, GMT+8) 1v1 match. it was a tough one. I took him on in the 7mpl TDR-5SS, turned out he brought a Gauss vomit HBR (but with some variations)
I had a bad start and was thinking I'd lost my chances of winning the challenge. Started with a King of the Hill on Frozen City, went straight for Theta. I was capping Theta when he suddenly cored me from the back (this would be the common opening salvo for each of the 3 rounds, from him everytime!). turned to face him, used the cap point as cover but turns out he started used range to his advantage. pursued and got legged. done deal for me
2nd round was Caustic, King of Hill again, 3 round was same map, Skirmish. these 2 rounds opened the same way but both ended with me blowing away both his torsos. it was a good match and made me realize i'm terrible at spotting ecm mechs, LOL! also, Clam mechs not OP! TDR-5SS IS OP!!! =P
<o again Derek. hope to do this again in future if you ever want to practise. will wait for your codes in my PM inbox patiently.
Edited by Onimusha shin, 16 June 2015 - 02:08 AM.