Whatzituyah, on 16 June 2015 - 12:34 AM, said:
I can do better I choose not too most of the time it is not a problem.
Also if we want to be technical about grammar MASC shouldn't be said as MASC instead it should be said as M.A.S.C. because each letter stands for something.
I had to read that first sentence about FIVE TIMES to get what you want to express.
"I can do better. I choose not to, as most of the time, it is not a problem."
Bothering people with cumbersome text like you is rude and unsocial behavior.
Just because most people accept the nuisance with a silent *sigh ... idiot* does not mean it is not a problem
And no, I'm not a native speaking grammar n4zi, I've learned English as a foreign language and therefore I would be very thankful to not have to dig through some pre-school-level gibberish.
Thank you for your understanding.
I did not mention MASC at all. Why throw it in my face? Do you have some kind of problem with logical thinking?
Edited by Paigan, 16 June 2015 - 12:56 AM.