jaxjace, on 17 June 2015 - 04:16 PM, said:
Played it some more last night, and had a better time of it. But then I also changed my mechs to longer ranged stuff, so there wasn't as much need to be maneuvering like crazy.
Can add a new pet peeve....some of the narrow paths. There are a few spots where guys get jammed up when the dude in the front stops, or if that same person is peeking and shooting. Had an instance last night where the whole team is running down one of those corridors close to the right gate (from the attackers perspective), when the guy in front ran into some resistance and stopped. It was a huge traffic jam like I've never seen. I had trouble even turning around. Would have been the ultimate Arty for the enemy if they knew.
But then that's the life when running with uncoordinated PUGs.

The map can be annoying, but I guess it's just more challenging. Taking a bit more skill, and coordination. No dam map is going to beat me. >:-)