The howling winds battered the frozen terrain stretching as far as the eye could see. The night sky was clear as polished glass and the stars shone like shattered diamonds. A Highlander BattleMech stomped across the tundra flanked on either side by a Catapult and a Hatchetman. All three mechs were painted black as the night they patrolled, the silhouette of a crow in flight out lined in grey on their left breast. The Highlander stopped and scanned left then right, seeking foes. Only the very brave or very foolish would be out here on a night this cold. Here's hoping we're more the former and less the latter... thought the MechWarrior inside. Even the legendary heat of a Mech cockpit was small comfort in such a wasteland of snow and ice.
"Sir Raven coming in from grid Kilo-2." a voice crackled over the comms. The Raven expertly weaved between frozen hills, the pilot unconsciously making sure the light mech was never skylined or entirely out of cover. Skidding to a stop in front of the Highlander, the Raven tilted its head down in a slight bow of salutation. "Report ranger." said the Highlander pilot. "Sir I caught sight of a group of mechs moving towards our position. They're running so hot you can spot them on thermals from miles off. They're all in bad repair but there's 6 of them to the 4 of us."
"Dark wings, dark words." muttered Cmdr. Jon Snow of the Night's Watch BattleMech Regiment. "Pyp, you and Grenn move to these positions and hold till I give the word. The Wildling Pirates are running scared from something." Activating his weapon systems, Jon Snow brought his Mech "LongClaw" to battle readiness and switched over to his thermal scope. The first of the pirate Mechs was already cresting the ridge ahead, just out of range. "Too bad they're running in the wrong direction."
[Long night at work, marathoned the latest Game of Thrones season, got a nerd itch that needs scratching.]

8 replies to this topic
Posted 09 June 2015 - 02:37 AM
Posted 09 June 2015 - 03:09 PM
wow dude, im digging the GoT reference in that title.
Posted 09 June 2015 - 08:04 PM
lol just the title?
Posted 10 June 2015 - 10:15 AM
You should have a Watchman in this that gets killed horribly and one of the characters mutter, "And now his watch has ended."
Posted 11 June 2015 - 04:37 PM
But.. Jon Snow is not in the first chapter of the first book
If i did not have a long story to finish i would love to do some of this stuff.. Please keep going

If i did not have a long story to finish i would love to do some of this stuff.. Please keep going

Posted 13 June 2015 - 10:48 PM
-Excerpt from the Abbreviated History of Robert's Rebellion by ComStar Precentor Raymond G.M. Richard-
After assembling his BattleMech regiments on the planet of Green Fork, Robert Baratheon's army made its way to Ruby Ford, the central planet of the Trident system. Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen's fleet of JumpShips arrived at the nadir point of the Trident system and launched their own DropShips toward Ruby Ford. The planets of the Trident system were once hailed as the most beautiful lands in the 7 sectors. Lush plains, sapphire rivers, and verdant forests covered them all. War however, cares little for the majesty of nature. Over the course of several days fighting, the BattleMechs of the rebellion and loyalist forces had reduced the once lustrous planet was a charred and broken shell of its former glory. Several notable MechWarriors were slain during the battle and several more rose to prominence for their actions that day.
General Lewyn Martell was given command of the SunSpear Mercenary Group. These elite warriors excelled in the use of light and fast medium Mech combat. They fell upon the left flank of the rebellion force and during the combat, Major General Corbray was wounded when his BattleMaster Lady Forlorn was destroyed. Taking up the StarCutter Heavy PPC dropped by Lady Forlorn, his son Captain Lyn Corbray slew General Martell with a direct blast to the cockpit.
Elsewhere General Barristan Selmy in his Paladin and his unit the 13th Kingsguard also known as "The Bolds", destroyed several rebel units single-handed. After the battle, General Selmy would be allowed to live by a victorious Robert Baratheon despite the urging of Commander Roose Bolton of the 4th Northerners aka "The Skin-Wearers" that he be slain.
The pivotal moment of the battle came when Robert, piloting his WarHammer, met with and dueled the Crown Prince who was piloting his Seraph assault Mech. Despite sustaining heavy damage and being badly wounded, Robert slew Rhaegar by smashing one of his WarHammer's PPCs into the chest of Rhaegar's Mech. The impact destroying the shielding around the engine, causing it to go critical. Witnesses state that the engine explosion looked like a cascade of rubies erupting from the chest of the doomed Mech.
With the spectacular death of its commander, the loyalist forces were disheartened and routed by the rebels. After the conflict on Ruby Ford was concluded, Lord Tywin Lannister's DropShips began to land on King's Landing, swearing to protect First Lord Aerys Targaryen. It should be noted that the 11th Riverlands Mech Battalion under Colonel Walder Frey finally agreed to support the rebellion, prompting General Hoster Tully, who had originally requested their support, to nickname the Colonel "the Late General Frey".
Inspiration drawn from here
After assembling his BattleMech regiments on the planet of Green Fork, Robert Baratheon's army made its way to Ruby Ford, the central planet of the Trident system. Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen's fleet of JumpShips arrived at the nadir point of the Trident system and launched their own DropShips toward Ruby Ford. The planets of the Trident system were once hailed as the most beautiful lands in the 7 sectors. Lush plains, sapphire rivers, and verdant forests covered them all. War however, cares little for the majesty of nature. Over the course of several days fighting, the BattleMechs of the rebellion and loyalist forces had reduced the once lustrous planet was a charred and broken shell of its former glory. Several notable MechWarriors were slain during the battle and several more rose to prominence for their actions that day.
General Lewyn Martell was given command of the SunSpear Mercenary Group. These elite warriors excelled in the use of light and fast medium Mech combat. They fell upon the left flank of the rebellion force and during the combat, Major General Corbray was wounded when his BattleMaster Lady Forlorn was destroyed. Taking up the StarCutter Heavy PPC dropped by Lady Forlorn, his son Captain Lyn Corbray slew General Martell with a direct blast to the cockpit.
Elsewhere General Barristan Selmy in his Paladin and his unit the 13th Kingsguard also known as "The Bolds", destroyed several rebel units single-handed. After the battle, General Selmy would be allowed to live by a victorious Robert Baratheon despite the urging of Commander Roose Bolton of the 4th Northerners aka "The Skin-Wearers" that he be slain.
The pivotal moment of the battle came when Robert, piloting his WarHammer, met with and dueled the Crown Prince who was piloting his Seraph assault Mech. Despite sustaining heavy damage and being badly wounded, Robert slew Rhaegar by smashing one of his WarHammer's PPCs into the chest of Rhaegar's Mech. The impact destroying the shielding around the engine, causing it to go critical. Witnesses state that the engine explosion looked like a cascade of rubies erupting from the chest of the doomed Mech.
With the spectacular death of its commander, the loyalist forces were disheartened and routed by the rebels. After the conflict on Ruby Ford was concluded, Lord Tywin Lannister's DropShips began to land on King's Landing, swearing to protect First Lord Aerys Targaryen. It should be noted that the 11th Riverlands Mech Battalion under Colonel Walder Frey finally agreed to support the rebellion, prompting General Hoster Tully, who had originally requested their support, to nickname the Colonel "the Late General Frey".
Inspiration drawn from here
Posted 14 June 2015 - 05:26 AM
Warhammer.. Of course! But what if Rhaegar piloted a Dragon?

Posted 14 June 2015 - 01:51 PM
When you look at it, it does look rather serpentine
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