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The 13Th Man. A Command Perspective.

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Poll: Would adding in a commander role work? (24 member(s) have cast votes)

Strategic Command Interface?

  1. Yes (19 votes [73.08%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 73.08%

  2. Battlegrid is ok (3 votes [11.54%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 11.54%

  3. With some changes (4 votes [15.38%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 15.38%

Dedicated Commander?

  1. Yes (17 votes [68.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 68.00%

  2. Ok as is (3 votes [12.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 12.00%

  3. Implemented differently (5 votes [20.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 20.00%

New game elements?

  1. Yes (19 votes [79.17%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 79.17%

  2. No (3 votes [12.50%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 12.50%

  3. Would do differently (2 votes [8.33%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 8.33%

Rewards and Achievments?

  1. Yes (20 votes [83.33%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 83.33%

  2. No (3 votes [12.50%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 12.50%

  3. Other ideas (1 votes [4.17%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 4.17%

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#21 VinJade


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Posted 28 April 2016 - 11:33 PM

If I was to say "The clans are part of BT ether deal with it or leave, there your problem solved"

see how stupid that sounded?
that is like your comment.

@50 50
Sorry for the derailment for a moment.

I do like the idea behind it and wonder how well it would do and if people will get turned off from wanting to be a commander if no one will pay any attention to their order?

#22 50 50


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  • LocationTo Nova or not to Nova. That is the question.

Posted 29 April 2016 - 01:34 AM

I had some thoughts about moving the clans out of the inner sphere so we can set up a self repeating structure.
See this post:
(Might have linked that somewhere else as well....nevermind)

Re the commander though, the role needs to have enough functionality that a team benefits from having one.
I liken the role to how it worked in Battlefield 2.
In that game there were enough players that you didn't notice if one player hid somewhere and directed the battle.
You didn't lose all the firepower a mech could bring as one person didn't make a difference.
However, there was a lot of benefit in someone taking the role as suddenly you could call in artillery, get ammo drops UAVs etc.
They could direct units to locations in a tactical chess game to control points and block enemy movements.
At the next level down, you have the platoon leaders (or where they also called lance leaders?) who had the command rose functionality for quick commands.

So this suggestion is to introduce the option for an MWO Commander with similar functionality.
Obviously, players may completely ignore orders and the like, but as a team oriented game you would hope that wouldn't be the norm.

Small incentives could be added to the orders for both the pilots and the commander for achieving them.
For example:
The commander issues an order for a lance to defend a particular location.
The order may have a timer so the lance knows how long they have to hold it for.
If there is at least one member of the lance left alive at the end of the timer then they and the commander get an 'order completed' reward.

Now to stop it from becoming silly and players trying to farm points, the order can have a condition that they must exchange damage with an enemy while following the order. Different orders have different conditions etc.

It's like creating little mini missions.

Other functionality that would add value to the role could be interactive with the pilots.
For example:
If the command post is customisable, perhaps it could be equipped with it's own artillery or lets say an Arrow 4.
A pilot that tags a target enables the arrow 4 strike for the commander.
The tagged enemy is marked on the map allowing the commander to send in the missile and it is guided to the target as long as the mech is tagged.

There are plenty of other interactive options that would add value to the role and benefit the team.
Look at the scouting bonuses. Put them at the control of the commander.

Another part is what information warfare could mean for the role and the team.
If a scout is out there spotting targets, this should feed back to the commander who can record the details and share it to the standard battlegrid and keep tabs on where the mechs were last seen by placing markers on the map, knowing which mechs are still alive thanks to the scouting intel and being able to advise the team effectively.
Could improve the scouting role and bonuses through this as well.

Options to call in reinforcements or combined arms units would add to it.
There is a lot that could be done.

The length of a battle needs to be considered to determine what options are viable.
A more prolonged continuous battle would be ideal for the role but you simple have the functions open up in accordance with the scale of it.

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