Dashen, on 25 June 2015 - 04:37 AM, said:
I don't evel feel about arguing, a game that allows you to tinker with the cfg file NOT through the option and NOT ban you is a game that endorse any type of cheating.
Punkbuster would have banned at least 50% of the players here, read : <name.cfg> version mismatch. player<1234456id> kicked.
It doesn't take a genius to look up to google and find some of the lamest cfg EVER, the only worst thing i've seen in my life is people playing quake without terrain and models textures where rockets look like cubes.
You think people are all legit? People don't try to get the advantage wherever they can? then go out and live in the real world, it's full of them.
And i think 99% of you reading this has seen people from the same unit play togheter in soloqueue, think it is by coincidence? naive.
I apologize if i sound like an ******, not my true intention.
Muds first guest on his new FOX News show!
Should name it;
Here's Mud in your eye?
Mud and Friends?
Everyone is out to get me and this guy agrees with me. PROOF!
MeiSooHaityu, on 25 June 2015 - 04:14 AM, said:
Well they are known for their profesionalism. Even one of their greatest assets is the pillar of integrity and profesional courtesy.

He should have stuck to Inside Edition where the real news is.