The 4J had is ginormous Hunch removed replacing it with a better option that much improved the Mech. The 4P, 4G, and 4H are still stuck with their oversized RT mounts even when the RT weapons are removed.

We know the weapon meshes are sometimes used interchangeably between models such as how many Mechs now have a similar look to their Lasers, ACs, PPCs and Missile mounts. The Hunch is not part of that but how about making different sized Hunches that appear based on weapon installed.
Here is an example, a Hunchback-4G/H with an AC10 and the Hunch resized to 75%.

That could even be side by side mounted for those running 2 LBX10.
Here is a Hunchback-4G/H with 50% sized 2 AC5 Hunches.

Here is one with 3 40% sized Hunches for AC2

The 4P also should have the Hunch done away with. To do this, we need look at the 4H/J. Here is a 4J with no weapons, notice the green circled item I call a Tri-Mount. On the 4J, the Tri-Mount can carry up to 3 Energy, the same Mount is on the 4H and carries up to 2 Energy.

Just take the Tri-Mount and add a second higher up in the RT and you get a 4P like this.

PPC version does this to a 4J Tri-Mount

Resulting in something similar for the 4P.

Finally, what to do with a 4G mounting 3MGs. Don't think I need a picture, just give it a Tri-Mount high up because MGs should not need a Hunch to represent them.