This time i chose to repost the questions i like and would really like to see answered, with my comments and additions. Please consider them
Blueduck, on 23 June 2015 - 11:08 AM, said:
3) By moving the generators to a central location most of Community Warfare's strategic variability has been removed. Would you consider instead keep the wall guards around the generators and perhaps adding some stronger short range turrets while moving the generators back to where they were when things were more enjoyable. Likewise people hiding in the dropzone during counter attack mode is a major problem.
This. It already felt too much of a MOBA/E-sport, now even more as it is just a glorified TDM. Any chance of a more open and strategic game mode, with big open maps like Alpine, several primary and secondary objectives, Union Dropships, etc.?
Also, any idea when MWO will have a separate experience for Lone wolf / mercenary / loyalist players? Is that CW phase 3 / Beta 3?
Peiper, on 23 June 2015 - 11:33 AM, said:
One big thing missing from CW is the lack of meaning. Taking planets does nothing for a faction.
To make CW work, an economy must be added to the game including:
Perks for taking planets.
Reasons to fight for planets.
Perhaps bonuses to rewards for clans fighting underweight (batchalls).
Perhaps extra money for mercs defending planets if a faction gets below 10 planets?
Turrets and tanks for defense, VTOL's and arty batteries for offense?
Salvage rights.
Black markets.
Discounts on faction mechs or equipment when fighting for, or attaining certain loyalty in said faction.
Non-faction mechs cost more to buy and maintain. (Variants produced by different factions.)
The higher loyalty in a faction, the less repairs/rearm costs.
Faction loyalists get fixed paychecks like regular army.
Mercs only get paid when they succeed.
Clan and IS tech (cross faction) availability based on certain criteria.
Could we get some comments on the progress of the stuff written above?
Jman5, on 23 June 2015 - 11:05 AM, said:
I use a lot more ammo per mech in community warfare than the regular game mode. Is there any chance we could see some CW-specific adjustments to ammo so that they are better balanced with energy weapons?
Maybe something like supply depots (with limited ammo) where you can resupply your 'Mechs? They could be tied with "Supply raids" 4vs4 missions. You get the idea.
Clan 'Mechs:
Rogue Jedi, on 23 June 2015 - 11:02 AM, said:
will we see Clan Battlemechs (as in not Omnimechs, for example the Kodiac or the IIC Mechs) any time soon?
And do you have any idea about how to make Clan Battlemechs work? Do you think they would be balanced enough if they just worked like IS Battlemechs, as i hope they will?
Heffay, on 23 June 2015 - 11:29 AM, said:
Is PGI working on anything else, other than MWO? The Weisman rumors have been running strong lately. As well as the big question about what happened to MW:T... 
LegoPirate, on 23 June 2015 - 11:29 AM, said:
there have been numerous complaints about jumpjets, and in particular class 1 jumpjets. are there any plans to revisit and revise jumpjets, since its still not beneficial to take more then 1 jumpjet?
Any chance of a JJ rework to make them actual "jump" jets like in MW:LL? I feel that would help a lot and give them their true feel. This is something that has been asked a lot already..
Alistair Winter, on 23 June 2015 - 11:34 AM, said:
Russ, can you give us any update on when the pilot skill tree will be changed, and if you have plans to do more than replace the pinpoint accuracy skill?
Peiper, on 23 June 2015 - 11:48 AM, said:
With so many mechs being ECM capable, especially after Wave III is complete, is there a plan to reduce the effectiveness of ECM, maybe to an individual - rather than blanket effect - or something else to prevent 12 mans from having 6 or more ECM cloaking bubbles in each drop in public/wave in CW?
LRM's should be a bigger part of the game, but with so many layers of cloaking devices, well, they'll be as unseen as the Marauder soon!
Any plans for a LRM mechanic revamp? Maybe instead of being semi-guided they could follow the reticle instead, adding skill and precision to their direct fire usage, and rely on TAG, NARC and UAV/s for indirect fire?
Peiper, on 23 June 2015 - 11:58 AM, said:
If so, could we disable the polls when the masses from STEAM, not knowing a thing about Battletech/Mechwarrior come in and trash the game design not understanding that this game is meant to be a team based, tactical, long lasting slug match with rich storylines, faction loyalties, with battlemech designs that only make sense through the eyes of old sci-fi nuts?
I know how you feel..