He comes stock with Ferro, Endo and a STD300 engine. That leaves him running 71 Kph with 34 tons of pod space.
Upgrading to a cXL300 gives him 43.5 tons of pod space at 71 Kph, or a XL375 at 32.5 tons of pod space (+5 to Timby due to heatsinks).
He loses on hardpoints compared to the Timby, as he can't Dual Gauss very well. Not to say he can't do acceptably, but nothing extra ordinary in the stock IIC variant.
Head: x
LA: 1M 1E
LT: 1M
CT: x
RT: 1B
RA: 1E
So, 2E, 2M, 1B, and up to 44 tons of guns.
Using a XL350 over a XL375 allows for 4.5 tons more guns, at 83 Kph. 36.5 tons total.
Loadout wise...well, 2 LPLs, and a 12 ton Dakka brings you to 24 tons. Ammo to 27.
Using the 350XL, you can get 2 LPLs, Gauss(35) and 19 Double heatsinks, while running 83 Kph.
Any 12 ton Dakka can be used here, but with the heat generation of LPLs, might be best to keep it.
As for variants...there aren't any. PGI will have to make 2 of them. In fact, only the Jenner has 3 different, valid, variants. PGI has to make up half of the 12 mechs themselves.
In the Hunch and Highlander's case, there are variants, but ATMs and Heavy Lasers.
Anyways, the other variants could be very powerful if PGI wants them to. In fact... this could be the first mech to fit 2 Gauss rifles in the same side torso if they give it something with 2 MGs. It has the pod space to use a STD engine to allow for it, if they maintain floating crits.
Anyways...I don't see the stock IIC Orion being grand, but it shouldn't be too bad, having the best of the Clam weapons, and the pod space to use them. Mounts are mediocre, and that's what brings it down a notch, along with the not so great hardpoints.
Still, nothing to ignore, as the 2LPL Gauss is a popular enough Timby build.
Other variants might create good robots.