Alec Braca, on 03 July 2015 - 11:54 AM, said:
In the townhall they talked a lot about the upcoming differences between loyalist and merc units. Here's a link to check out the show notes, but I'll say some of the bigger news.
- Firstly theres only going to be 3 contract types: Mercs, Loyalists, and Lone Wolfs. Merc contracts go 7 days and are unbreakable and Loyalist contracts are indefinate but have a 7 day cooldown time.
- Loyalist units will use their coffers to give c-bill rewards for Mercs joining their faction and coffers can be used by any unit to increase the number of ticks on a planet that is tagged by that unit.
- It also sounds like based on the show notes each faction will only have 1 attack front to another faction and the Loyalist units will decide what that faction is, but I'm not exactly sure if there's just going to be 1 attacking border or Loyalists will just decide what planets to attack. It's not exactly clear.
- And finally there will be new scouting missions that will go alongside the regular invasion missions that will allow bonuses for the invasion missions if the scouting missions are successful (Drop ship scans, radar sweep, long toms, etc.).
This and more are all set to drop in October and looks to give a lot more benefit to being a loyalist unit.
Edited by Heckbird, 04 July 2015 - 01:31 PM.