After these you still dont really have enough to get more then 1 mech and do it up (possibly). This means people dont really get a feeling of ownership of the game as they are left with only one or two mechs and then are unable to really do much with them. The grind to be able to get a decent mech let alone a drop deck to compete in community warfare is enough to turn most new players off. this is not a good thing for the game or our community
my thoughts are that if you can provide 3 mechs to new players by offering them one of the bundles. i would make this only a small selection of older mechs and only light (Jenner and Spider) medium (Hunchback or Centurion) or heavy (Dragon or Catapult) the player can then use the bonus from the first 25 match's to start doing up their mechs and can then level them all the way through to top level which instantly will make a difference to their game. They will then also have most of a drop deck they can take into community warfare as their own only needing to use one of the champion mechs.instantly you have given the player a reason to stick around for longer as well as made them feel more engaged with the game
Edited by Zomboyd, 02 July 2015 - 07:10 AM.