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Personal Performance: Just How Consistent Are You?

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#21 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 02:09 PM

View PostWintersdark, on 04 July 2015 - 12:48 PM, said:

Sooooo.... consistently random, or consistently bad? =)

Just call me Ian Malcolm.

#22 ArchMage Sparrowhawk


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 02:19 PM

I'm good with teams if I can find a crew I fit with. Pugging is as mercenary as it gets, hiding in the shadows and hunting anyone with damage. Kill numbers are average, but the wins and losses are also about as average as it gets. Win 5 lose 5.



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Posted 04 July 2015 - 03:31 PM

Im consistant in that, if i have a bunch of good match ill start playing reckless, like im invincible, inviarably ending badly for me. And after 12am eastern time it's probably a bad idea to follow me lol.

#24 GeistHrafn


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 03:58 PM

View PostDAYLEET, on 04 July 2015 - 03:31 PM, said:

Im consistant in that, if i have a bunch of good match ill start playing reckless, like im invincible, inviarably ending badly for me. And after 12am eastern time it's probably a bad idea to follow me lol.

^This. Exactly this. Took the words right outta my mouth.

#25 Maxx Blue


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 09:25 PM

I tend to switch mechs a bunch and that usually lowers my scores. If I stick with the same mech for several drops in a row I tend to get into a groove and do better, but even then I still have a fair number of terrible matches. To this day I tend to get too aggressive and end up without any support because I strayed too far from the death ball. Playing like that I can easily swing between doing less than 200 damage and more than 600 from match to match, but I can't help it. I just want to blow up some robots!

#26 Praehotec8


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 10:38 PM

I tend to be very inconsistent...some days it feels like my weapons melt the enemy instantly, and others it feels like I can barely break 100 damage.

Sometimes I think it has to do at least partly with mechs and builds (my best K:D is about 3.00, the worst mech I have is like...0.25).

Or, it might have to do with the fact that I get the urge to play after working a 24-hour shift...

#27 Sarlic


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 10:44 PM

I have sometimes these days were you do litterally everything wong.

Your aiming, bad teamwork, your positioning, your situtational awareness and your peformance in the mech (overheating, slamming the wrong button).

I call them bad hair days. Most of the time i announce the team that i am a potato with some weird brainfart.

Edited by Sarlic, 04 July 2015 - 10:44 PM.

#28 Juodas Varnas


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 10:45 PM

I'm as consistent in my performance as a schizophreniac on bath salts.

#29 Fleeb the Mad


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 11:26 PM

Ooh, I like this question.

While anecdotes will always lead to some measure of exaggeration, if I look closely at my matches I run a roller coaster of failure and triumph, usually depending on my mood as opposed to the machine or the team. To be honest if I run a bunch of games blasting loud music and drinking...well, yeah. *cough, cough* I've noticed I tend to do a lot of dumb or hyperagressive things that see me out of the fight early.

For example, this weekend I took my Warhawks out and shamelessly flubbed several matches by charging out into the enemy team and winding up with 200 damage or less. First one dead, nothing to show for it. It's a bit sobering sitting in spectator mode going 'Wow. That was really dumb. Why'd I do that?' and failing to understand why your past self didn't see it.

But a day before I posted some spectacular matches in my Kit Fox. Win or loss doesn't seem to matter. A 700 damage loss? A 600 damage win with 6 kills? It doesn't even have elite skills! I'm an assault pilot! What is happening!? What is this madness?!

And then I end my day by being dual gaussed in the face by a Dire Wolf that comes around a corner with a clean line of sight on me, topping out at 86 damage. I understand that light mechs in particular are like that because mistakes are so punishing, One wrong move really can end you. But tougher mechs really grant no excuses for that sort of thing..

So I have to conclude that my personal consistency, good, bad or otherwise, depends very much on how alert I am and how seriously I'm taking things. A lack of situational awareness when driving an assault mech will get it killed super fast and some things that make the experience more fun also make me less effective. I have to acknowledge that. But I also have to acknowledge that if I'm driving a double uAC/20 Warhawk and drinking to heavy metal music, well, maybe I've already made too many questionable decisions and I should just break out some Mad Max lines to spice up the inevitable death ride.

For those interested, fun factor is pretty great. KDR less so.

#30 Kiiyor


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 11:34 PM

View PostWintersdark, on 04 July 2015 - 09:47 AM, said:

I was thinking about this today, as I had game after game of really, horrifically embarrassing performances. I'm not talking about the matchmaker. Everyone has their matchmaker beliefs, be they real or imagined. This is not about the matchmaker. I'm experienced enough and objective enough about my own performances to know when I'm just being bad, rather than blaming it on everyone/everything else.

What I've noticed is this: I tend to play, in any given day, either really well, average, or really poorly. What's odd is the consistency: I'll play really well in every match that day, or really badly in every match, etc. I can tell inside of 3-5 matches whether I should play that day or not; if it's a "bad day", no amount of effort, of carefully tuned meta mechs, etc will fix it. I'll be terribly bad all day. I'll die, and think to myself... "Why didn't I twist away after firing?" "Why was I so aggressive, pushing too far in front of my allies?" I know damn well what I did wrong, but have no idea why I did it.

On the other hand, on a "good day", it doesn't even matter what I bring to the field. Objectively bad mechs? No problem. Random builds? It's all good - better, if anything.

Even average days. Still doesn't matter what I bring to the table, I'll do reasonably but neither particularly well or particularly poorly.

How about you? Does this happen to you, too? Or are your individual performances either more consistent overall or even just more random? Am I just a freak(probably!)?

I find it takes me a game or two to get back in the swing of things.

Also, if I'm bouncing between several mechs to reap the rewards of daily XP, my performance tends to vary wildly between mechs. It takes me at least a couple of matches to get to grips with the handling of each mech. Also, if i'm experimenting, i tend to have ups and downs.

I do, however, have a select few favorite mechs that I try to drop in as much as possible; my Yagers, Cauldrons, DoomCrows and BlackJacks. They're my favorite mechs, and I tend to perform better in them than I do in the dustier robots in my collection. Even though they were mastered long ago, it's still cathartic to run them.

Aaaand then there's my DireWolves. If i'm having a really bad night, I only need to drop in them once or twice, one-two shot a half dozen mechs and retire with a guilty smile on my face.

#31 Moldur


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 12:34 AM

IF I live to the end of the match, I'm usually above 500 damage. Some go low, some go high. If I have a really good team that rolls for instance, I'll maybe only get low 400s because I couldn't get to the targets fast enough. If I die early while I'm in a good mech and am trying, I'll usually land in the high 200s to 400s usually. If I just say f***k it, I end up in the 200s or 300s somewhere.

#32 El Bandito


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 12:39 AM

For me, performance consistency runs parallel to the amount of guns I can pack into my mech.

For example, this guy is highly consistent in getting great scores. This murder machine is in fact so consistent, I intentionally use high profile camo on it. :)

Posted Image

This guy also does good work, but is less consistent than the guy above.

Posted Image

This guy does good work as well, but is less consistent than the above two.

Posted Image

You get the idea.

#33 Mycrus


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 12:47 AM

View PostWintersdark, on 04 July 2015 - 09:47 AM, said:

I was thinking about this today, as I had game after game of really, horrifically embarrassing performances. I'm not talking about the matchmaker. Everyone has their matchmaker beliefs, be they real or imagined. This is not about the matchmaker. I'm experienced enough and objective enough about my own performances to know when I'm just being bad, rather than blaming it on everyone/everything else.

What I've noticed is this: I tend to play, in any given day, either really well, average, or really poorly. What's odd is the consistency: I'll play really well in every match that day, or really badly in every match, etc. I can tell inside of 3-5 matches whether I should play that day or not; if it's a "bad day", no amount of effort, of carefully tuned meta mechs, etc will fix it. I'll be terribly bad all day. I'll die, and think to myself... "Why didn't I twist away after firing?" "Why was I so aggressive, pushing too far in front of my allies?" I know damn well what I did wrong, but have no idea why I did it.

On the other hand, on a "good day", it doesn't even matter what I bring to the field. Objectively bad mechs? No problem. Random builds? It's all good - better, if anything.

Even average days. Still doesn't matter what I bring to the table, I'll do reasonably but neither particularly well or particularly poorly.

How about you? Does this happen to you, too? Or are your individual performances either more consistent overall or even just more random? Am I just a freak(probably!)?

As consistent as hsr.

My play is consistent... my score varies...

Good score... hsr is doing okay

Bad score... hsr is not doing okay

#34 Hit the Deck


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 01:40 AM

View PostMycrus, on 05 July 2015 - 12:47 AM, said:

As consistent as hsr.

My play is consistent... my score varies...

Good score... hsr is doing okay

Bad score... hsr is not doing okay

Let's hope that we get that Singapore server(s).

#35 Questia


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 08:18 AM

Ooh, this kind of threads are fun...

tl;dr, mine is highly inconsistent because of huge ping, aggressive playstyle, wildly different mechs, and sometimes just plain bad gameplay due to tiredness/mood/delusions.

My playstyle is highly aggressive and forward-thinking: I really don't like to wait and hide in the back (unless speed itself restrains me, ref. my Stalkers). I'm the one who keeps poking out in the early stage, and charging out / going down guns blazing later on. Sometimes this gets me good stuff and I get to rack up a lot of damage (and C-bills, and a kill or three). Other times... well, I get obliterated by at least three mechs blasting my CT off the map.

Consistency? What consistency? There's a lot of factors that affect my performance: ping / hsr, mood, mech, forethought...
  • Ping is a major part of it - Aussie-type ping here (260 constant at best, can fluctuate +- 50ms at 500+ at worst), so I tend to miss wildly or at least fail to hit what I should be shooting at. Plus, hsr might malfunction and decide that I'm not torso-twisting while I'm standing still in the middle of enemy territory, which tends to kill fast.
  • Mood... I'm pretty moody, and if I'm feeling the dumps / tiredness, that's going to turn my playstyle to mush as I start slipping my attentiveness away. On the other end, though, once I'm on a roll, I tend to play as if I'm invincible... yeah, you can see where this is going.
  • Mech... I have a Firestarter, a Locust, a Stalker, a Cataphract, and a Wolverine. Each one of them has a wildly different playstyle, and sometimes that switches. Locust-to-anything is the worst, though - the maneuverability quirks are just in another dimension, and I tend to get spoiled real fast.
  • Forethought... again, I'm aggressive, but that doesn't mean I don't think about what I do. Sometimes I slip though, make a blunder (pick one: step out to greet an enemy firing line, get overrun by being mis-positioned, or just simply greet a Dire Wolf or Ebon Jaguar or what have you the wrong way) that cost me my mech... and then I'll be in Spectator mode, wondering why did I even think that was a good idea.
There are other factors, but these ones are the most important to me.

Edited by Questia, 05 July 2015 - 08:19 AM.

#36 Ted Wayz


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 09:01 AM

Usually pretty consistent, 300-500 with 1 or 2 kills. But I definitely have outliers. When I have good games it is usually due to a fair amount of luck. When I have bad games I only have to look in the mirror to explain why. But sometimes you have to howl at the moon!

#37 DjPush


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 12:23 PM

Who do you think you are OP? Coming in here and claiming that personal performance is the reason for any loses in MWO. Don't you know how this works?

You must be new here so I will educate you.

First, you lose a bunch matches, scream at team mates on VOIP and then come on the forums.

Second, you start a bunch of threads complaining of a faulty MM, weapons balance, hit reg or "meta" builds.

Third, you stop posting in the forums because you won a few rounds and are still on a winning "high."

Forth, you crash. Then the inevitable "I'm done" thread. We all reply, "Can I haz ur stuffs?" You take a few days or weeks to cool your head.

Fifth, you come back, we all have a good laugh about it and go kill robots.

Follow this proceedure and you will do fine in forum warrior. Good luck and see you on the battlefield.

Edited by DjPush, 05 July 2015 - 12:29 PM.

#38 C E Dwyer


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 12:36 PM

Oh I have invincible days, average ones, and days when I couldn't find the floor if I slipped on crap.

If I have stable teams for a couple of games I can feel my confidence build and I get in the zone, and drag people along with me,if I have a few where I top score in a vindicator as the 'team' falls apart, I just lose performance as I start to think why am I pugging and inflicting this on myself

#39 Greenjulius


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 12:48 PM

I'll just say this... In clan mechs, my KDR is 2.5-5.7. Even my crappy Mist Lynx has 2.0 and 3.5. My Dires all have 3-5+ KDR, because they are easy mode. My most played mech, the Hellbringer Prime (I), currently sits at 2.9, even though I've had many 10+ game losing streaks in it. I still manage to kill mechs easily in it, even with losses.

However, IS mechs like my Sparky only has 1.17, the Oxide and Jester only have .85. I think I have a problem with IS heroes.

It's IS XL's lack of survivability that lowers my KDR.

Even my Pirate's Bane has 2.5 however. But that's just because I like GOIN' FAST

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