Bilbo, on 06 July 2015 - 07:17 AM, said:
Not sure why everyone with a higher ping assumes that those with a low ping don't have noticeable hit reg issues. I have had a stable ping of 35-40 since I started playing and I can assure you that the hit reg Gods do not discriminate nor are they at all predictable, unfortunately.
We generally have those hit regs issues DUE TO the high ping bastiches, they are the reason the server starts barfing on the hit reg, trying to keep track of both the LPB and the HPB, as more often than not, the HPB also have more variance in their ping and packet loss on top of that, so the server can't really tell EXACTLY where they are, or were, and it messes everything up for everyone.
I've noticed that when I start seeing hitreg issues, there is ALWAYS someone on the server with a 250+ ping, every single time. They may be on my team as it doesn't matter that I'm not firing at them, the server is simply having issues dealing with the issues they cause. EA/DiCe had a 250m max ping to stay connected to the official BF2 servers, and this was why, higher pings mess up the hitreg for everyone on the server, pure and simple, it's the downside of serverside auth, HPB's screw it up. Running serverside auth game servers for companies I worked for and as a member of a team paying for the server, always had the same thing, pings over 250m would be autokicked if the ping stayed that high for any amount of time. They mess up the hitreg for everyone, simple as that. Not a new issues, it's been known about for well over a decade, but there's little PGI could really do about it without having regional servers.
We'll have to see what the HSR fixes will do, the bones being added to the HSR will actually make a difference that most folks won't even notice, because unless you are firing at legs/arms, it doesn't really have much influence on what you'll see. It may have some effect on the front/back damage issue, but I don't really think enough to be noticed, since the torso state is already being tracked, but that might be one of the bugs that got fixed. We know bugs were fixed, we don't know WHAT those bugs were and how they affected what we see ingame.
I think most people will say, no matter the real results are, that they see NOTHING has changed and that PGI sucks and can't figure out something SO simple as hitreg. That is based upon my own observation that most people can't actually aim to save their lives, literally, and they blame the game for their failing. Like the guy firing SMALL LASERS at targets 800+m away who complained about broken hitreg, PGI's stupidity, and hackers before he rage quit, his Mech was 99% armor too, no one was firing at him, either laughing too hard to fire or they simply realized he was no threat, as he was going off in All chat the entire time before he rage quit. We have a LOT of players who are horrible shots and they blame the game for that, so I don't expect to see much but the same ole same ole..PGI is inept, they can't even do something SO simple as fix hitreg!