I believe the #MWOcommunity needs to take care of its own (i.e. encourage new players and not just relentlessly/unfairly flame/run-off the new guy on the drop for the inevitable #NewPlayerLearningOpportunity (i.e. "mistake" for all future flamers of the new guy / degraders of the MWO player base.)
For those of us who have had games die out from underneath them (I am a 2500+ match veteran of Demigod) the long-term viability of MWO may seem to depend on some factors more than others: the startup weekend experience for the initial 10's of (a 100?) thousand(s) plus players; how well word of mouth drives additional BT-devotees; how well these BT-devotees accept... ney, ENCOURAGE new players (who will have absolutely NO KNOWLEDGE of BT-canon (yeah, for some forum-flamers this is already NOT going well!!!); how well (and robustly!!!) the servers turn-out to support the initial/sustained demand-load; how viable/variable/tailorable-to-gaming-syle the #MWOmetagame turns out to be; how the game is rated on the "important" half-dozen game review mags.
Many of these factors will directly impact future life-subscription purchases, post-founding-founders-package-sales, drop-ship-sales, academy-sales, Clan-Founder-package-sales, COMSTAR-Founders-package-sales, RAZER-Artemis-system-sales, iPad-Artemis-App-sales - basically all the #WaysAndMeans renumeration will flow toward sustaining this games (yes, with profit for Piranha! ...and in some ways more importantly toward third-party developers/providers of MWO soft and hardware augmentation!!!)
BUT THIS IS ONLY RIGHT AND PROPER, MWO must turn profit daily for the servers to remain up, patches to flow, new evolutions to be fleshed-out as fully as is feasible/viable (Clans in a year; and COMSTAR later!!!)
As an #OriginalGamer (In my case since 1986) I am developing a #GamersCompact:
1. I intend to do my level-best to support this game from an individual user perspective.
2. I intend to #PoliceMyOwn with #Encouragement2NewPlayers and to never use the tag: noob, noobie or worse when referring to #SomeoneHonestlyJustTrying2LearnTheGame
3. When in-game and as I better learn the fuller metagame, I intend to run "academy" sessions for new players to encourage #SomeoneHonestlyJustTrying2LearnTheGame to best understand (if not, that all else being equal, PPC's just have a better than average probability of hit (PoH) than A/C's) then that PPC are a great weapon system for a new player to hammer an opponent.
4. I intend to #PoliceMyOwn and at times #PatrolTheForums find that new player: posting in the wrong area or asking "new player questions" and give him/her honest answers; countering any flamers; guiding them to the answers already posted on the forums for them; countering any flamers; encourage new players to stick with it (as surely forum flamers will be that much more caustic in-game when the new players on the 12-person team just committed some variation of #ChargingFromCover #WalkingIntoEnemyKillZone #GettingASupposedlyMoreProficientPlayerKilled)
5. I intend to do my level-best to support this game from an individual user perspective - enjoying the game for the game's sake while encouraging new players for the #MWOcommunity's sake.
...enjoy developing your own appreciation for the MWO metagame / good luck / have fun...
...a draft #GamerCompact from an #OriginalGamer
Started by Prussian Havoc, Jul 05 2012 01:58 AM
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