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Centurion Xl Friendliness?

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#1 Audacious Aubergine


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Posted 23 December 2015 - 11:44 PM

Title asks it all - how safe is it to use an XL engine in a Centurion? Just managed to snag the free one from the event so I'm eyeing two others to complete the triumvirate. Looking at the -D (XL comes stock standard) and possibly the -A

#2 STEF_


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Posted 23 December 2015 - 11:44 PM

yep, it is!

#3 WrathOfDeadguy


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Posted 24 December 2015 - 09:32 AM

The Cent is one of those 'Mechs that can go either way and still perform. Its nigh-legendary shield arm makes it tanky even with an XL once you get the knack of twisting. I run some of my Cents with STD engines, and the AH with an XL (since it has no CT weapons it can't zombie anyway, so it's best to maximize the available tonnage for heavy ballistics and missiles).

#4 Heavenward


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Posted 24 December 2015 - 03:26 PM

Short answer: Yes

Long answer: If you prefer faster paced combat with a bigger weapon payload the Centurion can handle an XL very well. If you learn to utilise the arm shield you can protect your torsos. I have noticed when I've used the chassis that a lot of the damage tends to hit the centre torso these days so that is another plus in using the XL. That said there is always more survivability when using a standard engine.

#5 _____


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Posted 24 December 2015 - 03:49 PM

-D is considered the worst Centurion right now just because the AL pokes better and A (3xSRM6)and AH (AC20+SRM4/6) brawls better. You can do good DPS with 2xAC5 but risky as a 50 tonner, especially carrying an XL.

If you want 3 different playstyles, go with the AL+AH+D. But strictly going by performance, AL+A+AH is the better option.

#6 Virlutris


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Posted 24 December 2015 - 04:31 PM

Yes, but only if you twist and roll and shoot, all on the move. The idea is to make yourself harder to hit, not just to bring moar gunz (though that's a real benefit).

If you're not using the big-engine benefits for raw speed, twist speed, accel, etc, then no, because it'll be too easy for the opponents to land enough damage on any one single torso to knock you out. Don't expect to stand in the open for long without paying for it :(

The big XL is about movement. "Move It or Lose It!" As long as you do so, then yes, Cents are wonderful with an XL, especially because you'll be alive and rolling with your extra firepower. It's especially true for the YLW with the XL300, but the AH and the AL benefit a lot from an XL275 too. D is tricky, just have fun with it :D

#7 Sewman


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Posted 24 December 2015 - 06:35 PM

I also got the ah but from a different event... I think it was a loyalty reward. I ended up with the yenlowwang (so fun and hasn't been left too far behind with requirks) and the d.

Anyhow, to answer the question, yes the centurion does xl engines well. If you do go std and torso twist like a madman, it can be insanely tanky. I did a bunch of testing and they respond well to the increase in speed and the better weapons load outs when you put in XL in. It trains you not to be so wreckless, and your damage potential will go up because of the (in all likelihood) extra ammo.

To offer some insight on the d, I bought it just for lolz because I wanted to see what the auto shotgun lbx10 felt like. It's fun if you find a distracted assault mech but it seriously can't kill anything. Lowest kill ratio and win loss record of any cent, easily.I believe it has a much higher engine cap so you can turn it into a cicada with srms if you want. But if you want the truly more effective mech, get any of the other variants. The A variantis probably reinvigorated by the most recent reduction to srm spread.

#8 Audacious Aubergine


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Posted 25 December 2015 - 05:41 AM

I've always wondered about LB-10X cannons and why they're so universally panned. They're still doing 10 damage at close enough range, same as an AC-10. Is it because the spray-shooting nature makes it useless at pinpoint damage?

#9 WrathOfDeadguy


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Posted 25 December 2015 - 09:57 AM

It's exactly that. Pinpoint damage is King in this game. And Queen. And all of the royal heirs.

If the LB-10X were capable of pinpoint damage (it is supposed to have two ammunition types, cluster and slug), it would be clearly superior to the AC10. It isn't, so it's pretty much useless through most of its own range envelope because 10 damage spread across a whole 'Mech is more of a tickle than a punch. Compounding the problem is the way that crits are calculated, which actually gives a single big slug an advantage over a whole bunch of little ones. So, unless the weapon has insane quirks on a given chassis that give it a better fire rate, tighter spread, or what have you, AC10 is always the better choice- even if it means you have to carry a ton less ammo to mount the gun.

#10 Audacious Aubergine


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Posted 25 December 2015 - 04:18 PM

The -D has spread, specific cooldown and generic ballistic cooldown quirks :D
I think I'll nickname it "pocket sand"

#11 Sewman


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Posted 25 December 2015 - 11:03 PM

Pocket sand is a great and very appropriator Nick name. I can recall a specific match where I was able to engage a lone heavy mech who was legged from another scuffle but otherwise fully armored. I circled him and had a field day, plinking away at him as I circled this poor hapless legged mech.

The lbx-10 sounds great and its honestly a ton of fun when you can hold down the trigger button without worrying about overheating. Bit I must have used over half my ammo and I just couldnt finish this guy off for what felt like an eternity (I wish I had a video recorder on because it was comical how long it took to kill this guy).

I've got pretty decent aim, especially on a larger mech in the heavy or assault class so I was amazed (and enlightened) how long it took.

The damage numbers are there but the kill shot really is harder to come by when you use this weapon.

#12 PaeuxP22


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Posted 13 January 2016 - 07:23 AM

Lbx is great late stages as it has a big crit buff a la mgs. Have to admit it's not great at range but I use it on one of my cents pretty effectively. It's one of the few weapons that I can reliably hit an Arctic cheetah with

#13 Dawnstealer


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Posted 13 January 2016 - 07:32 AM

My general view on the Cent is that the two things it's known for is tankiness and (on most models) being able to zombie. You toss an XL in there, you take away both. If you DO run an XL, just make sure it's a big enough one to justify it - the Cent can't carry a lot of weapons, so mostly it's a damage sink.

#14 mogs01gt


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Posted 13 January 2016 - 07:40 AM

In the current state of the game, you want large alphas and speed. Going with an STD, you lose both. Zombie doesnt really work because the amount of high pin point damage being used and no-one is scared of 2 MLs.

So yes, with almost all Cents, go with the XL unless you have the YLW and then you run a standard.

#15 Metus regem


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Posted 13 January 2016 - 07:43 AM

View PostDawnstealer, on 13 January 2016 - 07:32 AM, said:

My general view on the Cent is that the two things it's known for is tankiness and (on most models) being able to zombie. You toss an XL in there, you take away both. If you DO run an XL, just make sure it's a big enough one to justify it - the Cent can't carry a lot of weapons, so mostly it's a damage sink.

Being a Zombie capable isn't as big a deal now as it was before... going zombie with a Cent and you are limited to at most two MPL...

My best performing Cent is the CN9-D, I've got two versions of it that I use on a fairly regualr basis...


She is meant to make lights go WTF! as she can give a good solid chase for a while, and she twists like a boss.


A less specialized Cent, again due to the large XL engine she twists very well, and with the solid shot AC 10, can do reliable early damage.

View Postmogs01gt, on 13 January 2016 - 07:40 AM, said:

In the current state of the game, you want large alphas and speed. Going with an STD, you lose both. Zombie doesnt really work because the amount of high pin point damage being used and no-one is scared of 2 MLs.

So yes, with almost all Cents, go with the XL unless you have the YLW and then you run a standard.

the CN9-LYW actually works really, really well with a 300 XL, mine is very, very vicious, and has taken meany a timber wolves down in close quarters.

#16 mogs01gt


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Posted 13 January 2016 - 07:59 AM

View PostMetus regem, on 13 January 2016 - 07:43 AM, said:

the CN9-LYW actually works really, really well with a 300 XL, mine is very, very vicious, and has taken meany a timber wolves down in close quarters.

I guess you could to maximize DPS and alpha potential but its just wrong! :P

#17 Metus regem


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Posted 13 January 2016 - 08:23 AM

View Postmogs01gt, on 13 January 2016 - 07:59 AM, said:

I guess you could to maximize DPS and alpha potential but its just wrong! Posted Image


Same general feel, less punishing to drive.

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