Giving cbills or mc prizes for kills or assists seemed something way too simple and basic.
That got me think of other ideas for daily Missions.
Although we are definitely limited due to how the game is at the moment... a few ideas came to mind.
So here is my suggestion:
Daily Missions are interesting if they are randomly picked from a database of options.
(This would prevent people to feel they have to work to get one mission complete by the end of the day... providing them the opportunity to try that same mission on another random day)
Edit - If an incomplete mission is presented again, the user could either start it over and give it another go (potentially having an increase in the reward like 5 or 10%), or just start from he left of... )
Edit - Keep in mind, the rewards would be something symbolic, to keep the player engaged but not to detract his attention to events or tournaments. So I'll risk saying small rewards would be of 50k and big rewards would be 100k C-Bills. This seems like small beans, but if you accomplish 1 a day, it will add up each passing week.
Picture this, the daily mission would be picked according to:
Faction (if merc, would be able to get any from any faction)
Seniority in game (the older the player, the more tactically challenging the missions) - Could also use PSR, if applicable
Faction rank (higher rank, more difficult missions, more specific premises (like having to use a House mech to accomplish the Mission)
... more options could be added here ...
In the Faction, the options could be something like:
Davion - In Solo - Kill / Assist Kill 10 Kuritas (or any other faction member) (small reward); 20 Kuritas (big reward) ...
Davion - In CW - Kill / Assist Kill 20 Kuritas (or any other faction member) (small reward); 30 Kuritas (big reward) ...
Seniority in game - Gather 1000 resources (small reward); 2000 (big reward) ...
Seniority in game - Spot and lock with assists 20 mechs (that are part in the Faction pool of options, so if it choses Kuritas, those 20 mechs have to be Kuritas) - (small reward); 40 mechs (big reward)
Seniority in game - Use a Trial Mech to win 2 matches (small reward); 4 matches (big reward)
Faction rank - CW - Rank 1 - Destroy 1 turret (small reward); 2 (big reward)
Faction rank - CW - Rank 2 - Kill 1 enemy (small reward); 2 (big reward)
Faction rank - CW - Rank 3 - Destroy 1 turret and kill 1 enemy (small reward); 2x2 (big reward)
Faction rank - Solo - Rank 1 - Assist kill 2 enemies (small reward); 4 (big reward)
Faction rank - Solo - Rank 2 - Assist kill 2 enemies + survive (small reward); 4 + survive (big reward)
Faction rank - Solo - Rank 3 - Assist kill 3 enemies + lock w/assist 3 enemies (small reward); 5x5 (big reward)
The usage of Trials and House mechs could also be considered for the Missions
So let's use myself as an example:
- rank 9 Davion Faction member playing for 18-24 months
Could have random missions like:
Kill Liaos / Kuritas (Solo) - Any Clanner (CW)
Assist kill 10 Kuritas / Liao - Assist kill 20 clanner (CW)
Capture 3 bases completely + gather a total of 3000 resources
Assist Kill 6 enemies + lock assist 10
Alternative Missions:
Using a Trial mech kill 2 enemies and win 2 matches / 4x4
Using a House mech:
- In CW - (only 1 house mech would be enough) Win 2 matches against Liaos/Kuritas - Any Clanner
- In Solo - Assist Kill 2 Liaos/Kuritas/Clanners + Kill 2 Liaos/Kuritas/Clanners
And so on...
More ideas might come from you guys or the PGI, the numbers used are merely there as an example but this might be a nice thing to add to the game, especially for Solo players...
What do you guys think?
Edit 17/Aug/2015 - The end result of this would turn out to be something we could use in game, for example:
There would be a counter for the missions completed (number of small rewards vs number of bigger rewards).
This counter would provide a unit of measure for future missions that could even be related to CW... The idea behind this is, if you start a CW match alone or with a group, the mission could have smaller pilot-oriented objectives.
Example for someone with a higher counter of small rewards:
Match - Defense
Objective - Before the match is over, the pilot will have to hold a specific grid (preventing the enemy from moving forward) for 30 seconds after the enemy is on that said grid.
Match - Offense
Objective - Before the match is over, the pilot will have to destroy 2 turrets (by this, be the last to shoot at a functioning turret before it's destroyed)
Example for someone with a higher counter for bigger rewards:
Match - Defense
Objective - Before the match is over, the pilot will need to destroy 20 components out of enemy mechs or have at least one of his mechs to survive the match
Match - Offense
Objective - Before the match is over, the pilot will need to have destroyed 4 enemy mechs and 2 turrets
Again, these objectives are just ideas, more ideas might come from you guys.
Achieving the side-objectives (let's call them like this for now) would enable to user to get a boost on LP, for example.
Edited by FlipOver, 28 January 2016 - 04:30 AM.