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Still Havent Earned My Money...

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#1 Veev


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Posted 14 July 2015 - 04:03 PM

So I came back after a long hiatus doing other things and playing other games. PGI has still not managed to earn the right for me to spend more money with them. I love mechwarrior and the battletech universe, but the game has not evolved enough to justify my spending money on it combined with some design choices and features that should not have been included. If it died today I would simply move on and be glad I had not spent more money on it.

To begin with, lets discuss Ghost heat. I still hate it. I think the best option would have been convergence/weapon spread, something that they had planned on including and never did.

Lets move on to CW. This is such a sad state right now. I see players jumping into it and getting wrecked in a big way because they are taking pugs up against premades. There needs to be a better system then spamming people with warnings that they need to go fight. There also needs to be blocks in place to prevent people with only 20 matches from quing up for it. How about increasing CW rewards and putting more restrictions on who can do it? The increased wait times would balance out the need for bigger rewards and the matches themselves would be a lot better.

The number of actual maps is still quite small.
The number of paymodes has really not changed. The playmodes that are there are broken and the rewards for playing according to the mission objective are a fraction of what you can get for simply killing one mech and doing some damage. The amount of credit you get for contributing is still focused on damage, kills and assists. Might as well have one play mode.

As for new playmodes, how about new play modes with more objective based gameplay? Bigger maps with 4 or 8 mechs per side and they can drop multiple mechs like in CW. They have to secure location A before moving to B and destroying generator C to take out the defense turrets at location C.

As to conquest, I was irritated by the turrets when I got back because lights struggled with them. They took them out 2 patches later and all I see is whole teams blitzing the base. Why not evolve conquest to include the necessity to pick up something or someone. It requires you to power down for a certain amount of time and to return to your own base. It gives the opposing time more time to intercept you and still provides the lights with ways to win with an advantage.
Another option is to add in a generator that powers the turrets. It randomly appears somewhere near the base and within the defensive zone. Pop it off for instant powered down turrets. Or something that you can capture to help give you an advantage against the enemy. Think mechcommander.

I am still surprised that they have not added in a decent tutorial for the game. The best kind of tutorial would be a single/coop campagin of some kind that would allow a friend to teach someone else and still offer some kind of reward. Maybe at the end of it you give them their first mech with some money in the bank.

Host state rewind punishes players with good pings. Consider this, player A has a ping of 50, player b has a ping of 120. Player A pokes a corner and does not see player b because player b is 2 seconds behind player A. Player A moves back into cover without ever seeing player b. Player B is delayed visually so he can see player A having arrived 2 seconds later but due to host state rewind he is allowed to squeeze off a shot at player A. Player A has been punished for having good pings. Host state rewind cannot fast forward player B 2 seconds faster since it does not know what player b was actually going to be. It can extrapulate based on algorithms but lets say host state rewinds guesses he will go there and throws up and immage then player A can shoot at player B, but what if player B never peaked the corner. 2 seconds is a lot of time when you are playing a shooter.

Skilltrees for each mech really should have been reworked by now. I would not have minded a three lane tree much like what you get in standard RPG's. As it stands, it is a place holder that has skills with some things that were never actually included in game. "Convergence" *Cough* *Cough*

So, PGI keeps releasing new mechs and making cash grab after cash grab, but the game itself has been very slow to evovle. Right now it is little more than a generic shooter with mechs. Now the whiteknights will be here shortly to get mad that I dare to tell PGI what they can do to earn my money. But at the end of the day, it is my money to spend as I see fit and if PGI wants it. they can earn it.

There is probably a lot more I could be saying, but oh well. My wallet is still sealed. I will continue to wait and see if the game evolves further.

#2 Veev


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Posted 16 July 2015 - 05:01 PM

Have another thing to add here. The **** move by pgi to stop counting exp gains after you leave a match even if you are destroyed. Had a 500 exp match that I died early in. It awarded me 197 and took my x2 win. It even added it up the add up section, but only awarded 197 which is what it listed at the very bottom. Never did the x2 even though we won.

Edited by Veev, 16 July 2015 - 05:03 PM.

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