Here is what you need to know about the T30:
-You have no armor, but thats o.k, armor is for heavy tanks and *******. You are neither, your a ********* T30, the best f****** tank destroyer in this entire game. The enemy is going to run away at the sight of you, that is your armor.
-Assuming the enemy does happen to man up, grow some balls, and realize you have armor that can be penetrated by some tier 5 tanks, then that is where your omega god turret comes into play. It will bounce everything. Shove your stupid face into people and laugh as they fail to hurt you. Also, I guess hull down, or something. But, really, your gun will generally be all the armor you need.
-Speaking of the gun, the trick to the T30's omega cannon is to just point it at the enemy and pull the trigger. The game compensates for the amount of suffering you experience in the T34 and then judges if you are worthy of using the T30. If you ground it out using nothing but the 105, then the shells will always hit, regardless of range, RNG, or really anything, and half of them will ammo rack the enemy, and all will role high in both damage and pen. The IS-7 will still bounce you, however. If you used some free EXP to get the 120, then the gun will behave according to the listed stats. If you free EXP'd everything except the T30, the gun will troll you a bit. If you free EXP'd to the T30, then don't bother, this manly man gun will not tolerate little ******* who refuse to stick out the T34 grind. Go play an IS-7, you looser.
-Your pretty mobile, which is important, as you need to be smacking retards with the god gun on two sides of the map simultaneously if you wish to be successful. I recommend one of the Russian teleportation devices the devs plan on putting in the IS-4 once it gets moved up to tier 10.
-Speaking of crazy secret Soviet technology, sadly, the cloaking device that comes standard on all USSR tanks in not present on the T30. Not like it matters. Hiding it for cowards, who just call it "tactics" as an excuse for their lack of manhood. You want the enemy to know you are coming. That way, they have time to either run away or say there last words before you obliterate them off the face of the earth with your doom cannon.
-Charging the enemy is an acceptable tactic in this tank. They will think you have gone mad with bloodlust and flee before you can kill them. I see random pub IS-7 drivers charge into the enemy team and die like retards all the time, but you are not an IS-7, your a mother f****** T30, and ******* best be respecting. They will be so terrified of you, as I said before, that they will run away and make all armor irrelevant to you.
-There is one exception to this "fear armor" principle, however, and that is the Patton. It can fire on the move accurately enough to hit you while it is running away from you. Watch out for them.
-Artillery is going to shoot you first, because you are the biggest threat in the entire game and history of ever, and also because artillery players are just dicks like that. What you need to do is shoot their ******* shells out of the sky. This has been made easier due to the addition of tracers, but it can still take some skill to pull off. I recommend you do what fellow battleships (you have a naval cannon, you are a ******* battleship in my eyes) and shoot flak rounds at the enemy arty shells. Also, you can press shift to go into god view mode and CB them if they pose enough of a threat to you. This is because you are a T30, and can fill the role of whatever ******* tank you feel like.
- If you get lit on fire in this tank, send out your radioman (because he is the most expendable) to throw moltov cocktails at the enemy and return the favor. The T30 is the only tank that can do this, because it is so ******* amazing, it just can.
-Track damage is a *****. Draw shots towards your turret with your amazing T30 abilities to protect them from any damage.
-Always remember, you are a T30, and that makes you the king of kings, the Chuck Norris of the tank world. Remember, armor is for *******, all you need is your giant *** cannon and T30 powers.
Anyhow, I hope this helps you. Remember, as a T30, you team expects you to either get top gun and confederate each game you play. Unless you kill too many of the enemies to get confederate, you will never be exempt for this rule. Try to aim for a 300X damage dealt in comparison to damage taken.
You should do fine, unless you run into an IS-7, in which case, I recommend you load your pimp-tastic gold ammo. I say pimp-tastic because the only difference between standard AP and gold shells for the T30 is that the gold shells are literally made of gold, and imbued with the essence of bling, respect, and money. Good luck, and good hunting, I have complete confidence in you.