Zuesacoatl, on 07 August 2015 - 08:07 AM, said:
Since you and I both know this 12man beat down pug duck hunt is BS and only happen 1% of the time, with that fact known why is it ok for PUG v PUG to punish, beat down, duck hunt other PUG groups 99% of the time?
Should you be nerfing yourself so you cannot punish, beat down, and duck hunt other pugs since that is what is happening 99% of the time? Should pug groups be prevented from farming this mythical 12man solo group too?
Why is everyone so focused on something that we all know only happens 1% of the time when 99% of these complaints are from pugs getting stomped by pugs.
Since it is pugs farming pugs and rolfstomping solo groups of 12 a majority of the time, what can we do to stop those evil pugs from beating down pugs and solo's?
Let's concentrate on where 99% of the problem is.