Mister Blastman, on 06 August 2015 - 08:52 AM, said:
That doesn't work and history has proven it.
Osama Bin Laden--dead.
Terrorism--alive and strong.
Saddam Hussein--dead.
Isis--strong and growing more vicious and evil every day.
Sometimes when you kill just a leader or a military, you end up with something far, far worse. Killing Saddam was a BIG mistake. He was a ruthless murderer but he kept the peace.
To win a war you must crush their spirit and trample their will to continue. If you do not... they will come back... and they won't forget what you did.
War is awful. Man is almost not worthy of this Earth. But we're here and we need to deal with the reality of who we are.
yes because as osama bin laden was killed he was still the leader of the IS? No he wasn't the leadership passed.
Saddam Hussain had no relation to the ones who followed, he was just
a Ruler for ruling
his country, US anyways just wanted influence on the oil and never cared about any humanity. US never went to kill "evil sadsam" also we could talk about those terrorists, who made them have equpment and such, it was the US who trained them because in the cold war they wanted them as local resistance to the Russians. And they used nice words about "freedom" too bad that at the moment the US came in they basically took that freedom away and the little terrorists trained vs russia now had a new opponents for the SAME reason: freedom.
Turkey doing a similar stupid stuff supporting IS to counter an opponent, but they sometimes get some backfire from those who they support. It's their wons seed as much as it was the US' own seed. it never had relevance to the old gouvernemt they brought to fall.
Marack Drock, on 06 August 2015 - 08:32 AM, said:
You and me both Iqfish
I am also done feeding Lily. Your arguments are not thought out, your logic is shrouded in emotions and irrational thinking, and your grammar makes it damn near impossible to talk to. PM me if you wish to continue debating but I am reporting this thread for Discussion of Politics, and Real life violence all of which violate CoC. Maybe if we could all have a logical UNBIASED debate I wouldn't but as we are humans it is impossible.
I apply your logic into counter scenarios, thats all. Its your flawed logic applying but you can't even realise this.
Mister Blastman, on 06 August 2015 - 08:52 AM, said:
To win a war you must crush their spirit and trample their will to continue. If you do not... they will come back... and they won't forget what you did.
basically the moment to admit genocide is necessary?
Erdogan said soemthign quite clever, despite doing a lot stupid stuff, he said you can't own EU with his religion by military conflict, but it can be won by the uterus of their women. And given the demography of many modern countires, this will be how they claim countires in future, by people sticking to their religions and cultures, their societies breeding faster than the "opponent. If China would export 20% of their population and they would all make 4 babies they could basically in a legit way own every "democracy" in 3 decades. All you have to export is your culture and overgrow the others culture..
Marack Drock, on 06 August 2015 - 08:58 AM, said:
100% with Blastman again.
Man truly is not worthy of Earth... Evolution obviously needs to speed up the process cause we are on a fast track to global destruction.
where are those meteors if you need them?
Edited by Lily from animove, 06 August 2015 - 09:17 AM.