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Disconnecting With Vnp Enabled

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#1 RasputiN


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Posted 10 August 2015 - 11:58 AM

From the advent of Oceanic server and with a VNP enable (Pingzapper) I cannot play anymore, have to deactivate.
Log in,,,choose mech....launch.......connecting....aaaaaand... back to mechlab
It s not a big problem, but a 30 ms ping less (and few € less :P ) is noticeable.
My questions are:
Is PZ considered a VNP?
Anyone using PZ with same problems in recent times?
Is PZ receiving some sort of blacklisting from PGI? (not a technician but i think that with PZ or other VNP enabled my IP changes )
I've tried different settings and servers but ...no way.

Sorry for bad english

And tx for help

PS I'm a EU pilot and use PZ for NA and Oceanic servers

Edited by RasputiN, 10 August 2015 - 12:02 PM.

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