HD- ................................................................................
CT- 1MASC..................................1MASC-2,..................
RT- 1JJ.........................................1JJ, 2LRM-Ammo.......
LT- 1JJ 1E 1M...............................1JJ, 1MPL, LRM20....0
RA- 2E..........................................2MPL,.......................0
LA- 2E..........................................2MPL,........................0
RL- 2JJ...........................................................................
LL- 2JJ...........................................................................
(the 0 means its a Unique Pod, not Current found on SHCs)
2Energy Arms to give the SHC more Energy Viability,
and the LT(1E 1M) to give SHC Pilots a reason not to take ECM,
with the K & the Prime RT you could get 6Energy on a SHC(no ECM),
Please Note, the SHC-K does not Exist in Lore/Canon,
This is a Topic for is PGI made a SHC-K would you Buy one,
Thoughts, Comments, Concerns?
Edit- Please Note
Edited by Andi Nagasia, 12 August 2015 - 08:30 PM.