Does everyone remember those cool battletech mech pods that were at D&Bs and arcades when you were a kid? I plan on building my own version of them at my home. I need to do some more research on MWO to see if it supports a few things before I invest into building it. I will be building an enclosed pod to simulate a cockpit feel.
I plan on creating a DIY topic once I am done with the project, of course taking pictures and documenting the steps and lessons leard along the way.
Thoughts and Requirements:
It shouldn't be too bad building it. This is what I need for it to work. Support for Logitech G940 joystick system, Nvidia 3D Surround Tech (Maybe their 3D Vision as well), and custom button mapping (which I may be able to figure out myself). If I decide to not go for the Logitech G940, I might try my hand at hacking at the Steel Batalion controller.
Pod Design:
As for the structure of the pod, it depends on how inventive I want to get with it. I am thinking I want to design it modularlly; allowing me to break it down and transport it.
I will use a mixture of wood and metal to build the frame where the monitors will be held. I think I'll have a metal floor as well which the seat mounted on sliders (the car seat already has this system). I have all of the technical (and most of the structural) stuff figured out, but I will need some of my more artistic friends to design the look of the pod (mainly painting and a method to give it a hard metal look).
Pilot seat,
I have a couple of extra leather reclining, car seats from my 350z that I plan on using in the pod then mounting the joystick system accordingly (going to need to design it if I do that), or I'll purchase a playseat which has the mountings already.
This part is fairly straight forward. The current idea is I will buy three LCD monitors, mount them in the pod flushly, use Nvidia's 3D Surround Tech to allow me a wide multi-monitor view of the action. Build a new high end PC (it is definitely possible to do this on a budget too, but I am going the full monty). Build a few LED button boards I can map game functions to, and utilize the Logitech G940. Bam done!
I don't plan on starting the build until I get to play the game, and get more details as to what is supported. Does anyone have any suggestions, or questions?
Edited by Kagato, 06 July 2012 - 11:53 AM.