It sounds good, but I REALLY hope they use some kind of procedural generation for the maps and missions - so that each time you play it, its different. I'm a bit tired of linear games that you can only play once.
I also hope that we can make a Mechwarrior and make that mechwarrior our own (not voiced, no character defining backstory - ala Dragonfall, not Hong Kong).
And, I also hope that it won't just be mechs, but tanks, aerotech and inf... wouldn't it be cool if you could zoom and and control Infantry too? Even your grounded mechwarriors? Like if you mess up badly and your team isn't doing well, and then an enemy mech attacks your mechbays, and you only have 1 functioning mech
Oh, and I also hope that they use this opportunity to update the game. Art and mechanics, it's dated. They have the boss with them, so they can kinda do what they want.
Edited by Axeface, 21 August 2015 - 11:30 AM.