LordBraxton, on 28 August 2015 - 09:43 AM, said:
Im still seeing the same 'pros' I did before. I see EMP\228\SJx\TOOL\420 etc. The difference is instead of seeing 2-4 solid players per team and a bunch of filler, its just 12v12 tryhard all the time. I'm not complaining. PGI did a good job. But I do miss putting up 6 kills 1100 damage in my EXE-Prime. It just isn't going to happen anymore. Sidenote: Ive been here since day 1, and my KDR was 2.6 archived over 5k matches... now its slightly under 1.5... The constant theme is that the longer the game is out, my KDR and w\l are getting closer and closer to 1.
My solo queue experience has been fantastic. Pretty much every game has been neck to neck, with complete stomps being almost non-existent to either side. Every player can carry their weight relatively well, team is using VOIP in most matches, etc. Downside is as you said it. It's 100% tryhard mode.
Make sure you take advantage of all double GXP conversion weekends, because you may as well start GXP-ing new mechs, as there's no way in hell you're gonna have a fun time trying to unlock basics in these games