I have to add I am not very much into Battletech Lore, so if you think the Values I give as Examples are not fitting, then comment and add what you think would fit the Character of a Faction.
I also wanna add that Benefits from this System should only be used in the Community Warfare Mode and not in the other Gamemodes like Assault, Skirmish, Conquest.
Factions :
Give Factions a Character, so that it becomes more interesting to pick a certain Faction. Example where this was done : EVE online. Gallente, Caldari, Amarr, Minmatar all have different special Abilities.
My Idea would be (only IS - about Clans someone else can give Input)
+ Hall of Fame for Pilots, most successful and most active Davion Pilots will have a Hall of Fame on the Forums where they are presented with Backstory, favourite Mech and other interesting Facts.
Best Pilots get special Prices every Month.
+/- Davion Pilot Skill Tree. (Pilot Skill Trees can balance Factions further)
otherwise Davion should be Standard - no Benefits but also no Disadvantages.
+ More CBills Income - All Steiner Pilots gain 15% more CBills per Community Warfare Drop.
+ CW Dropdeck of Steiner is allowed to be 10 tons heavier.
+/- Steiner Pilot Skill Tree.
- 15% less XP per CW Drop
+ Special Kurita Elite Pilot Skill (This Skill can be something like Outstanding Pilot (gives Evasion Chance) Outstanding Gunner (Overall higher Weapon Velocity) Cool (receives higher cooling Bonuses from Heatsinks/Double Heatsinks) and so on...
+/- Kurita Pilot Skill Tree.
- 10 % less CBills per CW Drop
+ Superior Tech - Marik Weapons got more Range, shorter Cooldown, their Sensors reach farther, more Shots per ton Ammunition etc. (in Short : they should get some Goodies)
+/- Marik Pilot Skill Tree.
- CW Dropdeck of Marik is 20 tons lower than normal
+ Battlecommander can buff his Teammates in a certain Area so that they can deal more Damage or receive an Evasion Bonus (Chance that incoming Damage gets negated for a certain Amount of Time)
+/- Liao Pilot Skill Tree.
- As long as Players are further away than 800 Meters from the Battlecommander they receive a Malus on Damage (-10 % Weapon Damage). The same Malus applys when the Battlecommander is dead (not active in the Battle)
+ Cannot Die - If a Rasalhague Pilot looses his last Mech in a CW Drop he has a 40% Chance to get one of his Mechs from his Dropdeck back (he can pick one)
+/- Rasalhague Pilot Skill Tree.
- Rasalhague Mechs got 10% less Heat Capacity.
About Clans : They should have different Benefits and Disadvantages (Morale Codex), their Mechs are Part of their Advantage in my Opinion already.
About giving Community Warfare some Character
It has been said already that Community Warfare needs some Economics, but one Thing that is also massively bugging me is that all Planets are the same.
So my Idea to give Systems/Planets in Community Warfare some Character would be :
1. Add Descriptions and a small Picture (Artwork) to all of them.
2. Make clear what Kind of Landscape is prominent on the Planet - that Way every Planet needs his own Set of Maps. A Desert Planet should not give you the Boreal Vault Map.
3. Pick a certain Number of Planets for each Faction which give their Pilots small Buffs (about 1% Buff on something per Planet - Buffs can affect totally different Things) - btw it is absolutely okey when the majority of Planets don't give any Buffs to the owning Faction.
4. Province Capitals should give their Defenders big Bonuses, Faction Capitals should give their Defenders MASSIVE Bonuses.
5. Each Faction should have 1 Chassis per Weightclass which is a typical Chassis for the Faction. If a Marik Pilot drives an Orion for Example (Or a Kuritan Pilot a Dragon) he should have a certain Set of additional Quirks when using it.
6. Systems/Planets with a Mech Manufacture are crucial. If a Faction conquers a Planet with such a Manufacture they earn the Benefits (and the previous Owner looses it).
7. Solaris should give its owning Faction a big CBill Income Bonus because of all the Tourists

What we also need : Official Diplomacy with War Declarations, Peace Treaties - especially what that all means in Game Terms ... and so on.
So much about that. Thanks for reading