Here's what you need to do:
You gotta be in the solo que, as any in the group que who enter will be DQ'd effectively.
I need two screenshots: One of your game Summary and one of your Player stats after a match.
Just do your best, I base scoring upon damage, Team damage, assists, etc.
You'll need to use the spoiler function and put your pictures into it, such like this:
Alright, Good luck!
Formula: 6(Number of kills)* + 4(Number of Assists)* + Damage done/14 + 30(If survived) + 20(If dead) + 35(If match time <6:00 Minutes) + 7(Number of Components destroyed)* - 2(Team Damage)* - 30(Number of team kills)* - 35(If match time is >9:00)
Edited by Scout Derek, 28 September 2015 - 11:12 AM.