confracto, on 01 September 2015 - 02:27 PM, said:
yes, it ended up being around 17 million with all the smoothing on.
yes, isoline draws easier, but it's hard to tell when you are having flow issues, which I was more concerned about.
you can also set them all to only draw at render time.
...and yes, I am applying there right now.
yes, isoline draws easier, but it's hard to tell when you are having flow issues, which I was more concerned about.
you can also set them all to only draw at render time.
...and yes, I am applying there right now.
Bishop Steiner, on 20 October 2015 - 07:39 PM, said: you are Confracto? You got hired up? YAY!
Another legend to the ranks! Good work dude, such a tops result for some top quality work! Really look forward to seeing your models in the future