I honestly can't tell if I'm just not being clear enough, of if you're deliberately misreading what I write, and what my intentions are.
Kjudoon, on 04 September 2015 - 10:55 AM, said:
Wintersdark, as someone who's been here longer than me, how can you say that 4man limit is horrible? If you ignore all the improvements to the game, and the obvious flaws to the 5+ groups in group tier, I guess it could be seen that way. But now, hey, CW covers all that, and VOIP covers the rest. Then again, I did not mind the 4man limit because I knew about sync dropping and played with it. I had fun for a period with the 5+, but quickly noticed the larger the group the worse the matches became.
I hated the 4-man limit. Detested it. As a primarily solo player, my group play is almost always just joining existing groups of friends from several different units. This did mean I'd often be in a spot that I'd be the "fifth man" - I'd join a group of, say, 3 players from a unit, then a 4th from their unit would want to join. Further, as my play time was (and is) often interrupted, having to come and go a lot in a 4-man cap means I
must be the 5th man, as it's hardly fair to bump someone else out of a group, take their place for two drops, then leave the group to go take care of my kids or whatever.
The 4-man limit
BUT! As I (thought I) clearly said in my last post,
I DON'T OBJECT TO A 4MAN LIMIT IN THE GROUP QUEUE IF AND ONLY IF CW IS A VIABLE CHOICE FOR PLAY. It's not right now. It perhaps could be, but it isn't right now. I'll get back to this again in a moment.
You also don't seem to realize (or are choosing to forget) there is NO matchmaking in CW. It's supposed to be first come first serve, and only balancing chassis of dropdecks in a team, not against opponents and the larger groups get preferential treatment.
No, there is no ELO in CW. Matchmaking is the process of putting a match together - there is matchmaking in CW, it's just team vs. team in first come-first served (basically). When I discuss matchmaking above, I'm not discussing skill levels
at all, I'm purely discussing TIME.
It takes a LONG time to get a match in CW, sometimes a very long time, depending on faction/current activity. If you read my posts above, I fully understand
why that is, and how it could be fixed. The key point, though, is CW as it currently stands is absolutely not a viable group-queue alternative for larger groups. Your cbill income per overall hour spent in game(not just in match) is abominably low, wait times approach 20mins
on a good day, with longer matches too. If you're not in a 12 man group, matchmaking times
skyrocket upwards. I've had a lot of days trying to play CW (and I *like* CW's game modes and maps) where it's taken an average of 40 minutes between matches given people being reasonably prompt readying up again. That's just too long. Not all of us can just spend an evening playing continuously.
So I'm not seeing reason for complaint towards the change.
So, is anything above unclear to you?
1) CW, as it currently stands, is totally not an adequate substitute for the group queue for larger groups (remember, "larger groups" is not synonymous with "organized teams" - the majority are simply random friends grouping together)
2) I don't object to a 4 man limit in the regular group queue if #1 above was not a thing. I'd be sad that it meant 5+ player play was entirely removed from skill-based matchmaking, but I'd accept it as a necessary evil.
3) Because #1 is true, simply capping the group queue at 4-man max is a terrible idea.
Edited by Wintersdark, 04 September 2015 - 11:28 AM.