Their should be a way for players to tell what each House thinks of them. Based on the house's view of you, they will treat you differently. Their behaviors will start in this order: contemptful hatred, neutral, and friendly tolerance. However this system is not for show, the houses will make your life miserable depending on how much you pester them. Houses that hate you will give bigger C-bill bonuses and Loyalty Points to players who can defeat you. However, you can ease house relations by doing diplomatic missions. If you are able to do enough of them, there will be a peacetime event; meaning players cannot attack territories of that house.These peacetime events only last for 5 minutes.The player will also get Diplomatic Immunity along with the peacetime events. Diplomatic Immunity lets house players help out other house players in combat to help them gain territory.This also will affect Merc Corps because if the house likes them they will get higher bounties and LP.
Types of House Relation systems:
Color Bar- A horizontal bar goes red to green with a square. If the square goes left to the red they will hate you, if the square goes right to the green they are friendly towards you.Yellow is neutral.
Numbering System- 0 to 100.As the numbers increases higher, the houses will like you, when the numbers deacrease lower, the houses will start to hate you. 0-The house hates you, 50-Neutral ,100-friendly towards you.
House Meter- Colored verticle bars will fill up(Green-Liao, Yellow-Davion, Red-Kurita, Blue-Steiner, Purple-Marik and Cyan-Rasalhague). Empty-the house hates you, Half-Neutral, Full- friendly.
Emoticon-I just wanted to be silly with this one
-The House is friendly towards you,
-This House hates you.
Edited by Will9761, 03 July 2012 - 08:34 AM.