Hopefully I will have brand new speakers in as little as a week ad a half, maybe sooner, if Australia Post pulls their their fingers and delvers it early, so I apologise that in any drop we are i, I might not be of much use to you in-game, but still, I will try my best to keep up the fighting and support the team as best I can.
Just wanted to let you all know what was going on, since it is a heck of a lot harder now to play when you cannot hear any missiles flying at me or know that I sustained critical damage (let alone any enemy Mech sneaking up on me, so if possible, if we are in a drop together (either solo or CW) if you could be so kind as to look out for me a bit until I get this speaker issue resolved?
L.T. (BwD)
I kind of fixed the problem. The computer speakers do not work,but headphones do, though only limited, but still enough for me to play the game with enough sound so I know what is going on, when to take cover etc. it is not exactly perfect, but a t least some sound is better than playing deaf.
Thanks for your support, GI Journalist mate, I realise text-chat is not really that reliable, esedially when you are under fire or have an enemy chasing you,, i just meant it that when a team mates is safe from enemy attack. But now I have headphones and can hear (though not as good as what the computer speakers were) VOIP/TS is is still an option, so disregard what I said about text-chat only in my OP (those that do not have headphones or microphones, anyway)
Edited by Leif Tanner, 13 August 2015 - 08:59 PM.