The14th, on 25 April 2016 - 07:14 PM, said:
1. So how exactly would you value an assault mech vs. a heavy then? What will be the hierarchy of weight classes? Will you run it as a bell curve away from ideal speeds/armor/etc... values? What about non-numerical aspects, like hit-boxes or physical profiles? Have you thought about any of these things?
Yes, and none of them apply. Each 'Mech, regardless of weight class -many people desire to have weight classes determine EVERYTHING in this game, but they don't know what they're talking about- is calculated based on the BV system. Bell curve? Really? Hierarchy? Unnecessary. Point-buy system? NO.
2. I know EXACTLY what BV is. And the entire theory of it was based on the tabletop point-buy model, usually involving a hard ceiling and one person creating the entire force.
No no no... you're thinking of BattleForce values, not Battle Value, itself, so you didn't know what you were talking about. Battle Value is how you calculate the usefulness of an individual 'Mech, not what it takes to purchase the 'Mech for use on the battlefield.
3. The problem is you are merging your ranking system with your mech balance system. And if it does not hold enough of a value to influence a match composition even in the worst smurf cases then those values are so minuscule as to be functionally worthless. As for the design of mechs showing skill, the internet has long eliminated individual brilliance through mass theorycrafting and copying. And I said they could OVERpower their mechs in your system while smurfing, not underpower.
Well, I apologize for misunderstanding you, but over-powering is the point. The more power a 'Mech has, the higher the Battle Value it will have, the more of the bucket it fills, which means matching the enemy team within 5% MAY end up having fewer 'Mechs against an opposing team whose 'Mechs are right-powered or under-powered.
As for the rest of what you said, you're still working with the BattleFORCE understanding of point-buy systems, not the rating system that is Battle Value.
4. You didn't reply to anything I said about Clan mechs. How will clan mechs be worth "1.5 IS mechs"? Will you use HP buffer? How will a numerically inferior force win games?
I don't have to. If you compare the tabletop statistics for Inner Sphere and Clan Large Lasers, you'll notice a huge difference; heat generation is no difference, but damage is two more for Clans, which also fire 180m further than Inner Sphere, only weight four tons and take 1 critical as opposed to the Inner Sphere requiring 5 tons and 2 critical spaces. Just with the firing max range, and with a medium range for Clans the same distance as long range for Inner Sphere, that's going to put on 24% more Battle Value over Inner Sphere ER Large Lasers, the smaller tonnage an additional 20%, and damage an additional 20% for damage. If an Inner
Sphere ER Large Laser grants a BV2 of 163, then a Clan ER Large Laser, according to my math, should give 64% more BV, or 254, and we find on, 248, which is only 6 points off from my off-the-cuff calculation, and a difference between the weapons, if I use Sarna's number, of 85 points. This is ONE weapon, not the entirety of the 'Mech these weapons would be mounted on, and does NOT include the rate of fire calculated in this game. Cool-down, according to Smurfy's, for both ERLLs is 3.25, but if they had a different RoF, that percentage would be calculated into the weapon BV, as well.
As an example, the disparity in numbers from my previous paragraph should display how the differences between 'Mechs would be treated, and how they would affect overall Battle Value. While you might still have 12 v 12 fights between Inner Sphere units, the disparity in super-high Battle Value of Clan 'Mechs as compared to Inner Sphere 'Mechs leaves a fight, if Clan 'Mechs are at their full true-game strength, that would put a Star, perhaps reinforced with one or two Omni's against a full Company (12) Inner Sphere 'Mechs.
Each 'Mech added to a bucket bestows its' game-calculated PS/GS modified Battle Value, which are solid numbers added with other solid numbers, nothing needing to be calculated for the multiple trillions of types of 'Mech combinations, nothing modified for the environment -though this COULD be done, again based on recorded game telemetry for wins and losses across different types of maps, though THAT would become cumbersome if/when enough maps are added. So, how these 'Mechs are calculated is done for the sake of the pilot and their machine, not for the team or anything else. You match both teams buckets against one another, within 5% of one another, and then go to work.
I understand your goal is to poo-poo the idea, whether because it doesn't fit your play style, or because you like to argue, or you're honestly just trying to understand the process, but the game remains broken all to pieces almost three years after launch, and nearly five years after announcement. The fact that common sense, BattleTech game-based solutions, which already exist and would readily work in this game, such as Battle Value -which was MechForce North America more than actual BattleTech, but adopted as such-, and the numbers from the board game, if not the exact rules are being left out, is just insanity. If you wish to continue to fail to understand, that's fine, as it's not likely to happen, anyway; PGI seems more concerned with making this game fail, rather than paying attention to those of us who would save the game, for us, with a vested interest in seeing BattleTech shoe-horned into this comparatively rather limited video game, and for them. If that's what you want to continue to see, I welcome you to keep your opinion, and I'll continue to fight for what I know for a fact would work, given the chance; at the very least, it is no worse than what we have in the way of weight classes and PSR.
I'm nowhere near convinced you don't have a chasm running through your concept, especially since you completely dodged anything about Clan mechs other than they would be "better". As far as I can tell, your idea of BV would be even more complicated than the balance concepts we have now.
Of course you're going to say that, because you don't know, literally, what you're talking about. You're thinking BattleForce's point-buy system, not individual ratings in Battle Value for 'Mechs modified by Piloting and Gunnery Skill. You don't seem to want to understand how Clan weapons, armor, engines, internal structure, double heat sinks, etc., would be so much higher in Battle Value, as individual components, than their Inner Sphere counterparts, at their tabletop values. {SHRUG} Oh well. Before I leave this line of reasoning, let me ask you a question... have you ever spectated from the cockpit of a Clan 'Mech? Have you ever noticed the difference in the sheer number of weapons, armor, and speed even the nerf'd OmniMechs have when compared to an Inner Sphere 'Mech of the same weight class? I think it was a Summoner (?) I saw one time, and the weapons list it had reached two-thirds up the screen with tiny weapons. I just gasped and asked myself what manner of insanity it was. Are you going to tell me Clan 'Mechs wouldn't have MUCH higher Battle Values, what with lighter weapons generating less hit and firing farther than their Inner Sphere counterparts, meaning they need fewer heat sinks, can mount half again the number of weapons any Inner Sphere 'Mech of the same weight class is able, and can stand further away to hit you.
If that's what you're trying to tell me, then please don't even answer this post.
no one, on 25 April 2016 - 08:32 PM, said:
Hell, you argued that yourself in point
2. BV can't be translated directly from TT. It wouldn't work well in MWO.
I agree with this, and never said we should translate BV directly from TT... no, MWO is unique enough that it would need to develop its own system for Battle Value based on ideas gleaned from TT, but set for MWO. Remember, though, that an IS ERLL would be the same 163 points on a Raven as it would be on a Mauler or an Atlas or a Wolverine. The values of the individual components do not change between 'Mechs, and they shouldn't. The weapons do not change -unless PGI suddenly puts in changes based on manufacturers- values just because they're on one 'Mech or another.
1 - Quick never should have mixed lances of IS and Clan 'Mechs. There is and NEVER WAS an excuse to do so. Dividing the queue into ISvsIS, ClanvsClan and ISvsClan fights based on how many people in each tech base were in queue would have had negligible impact on wait times.
2 - I like quirks. Quirks are great for fluff value and chassis variation and a lot of other reasons above and beyond balance.
What I would rather see are tech trees unique to each BattleMech chassis type, and perhaps have attachments for variants and/or weapon systems, and pilot trees that would allow a player, as they're moving along through the game, earning XP and GXP, to select quirks and improvements for their 'Mechs, rather than the same quirks for all 'Mechs and all chassis, period. PGI were going to do that, but it hasn't happened, and I don't think it ever will.
Tonnage has never been a good balance matching criteria. They could easily attach something LIKE a 'battle value' to 'Mechs and chassis based on their overall statistical w/l, k/d and damage performance for all players, but for some reason people seem allergic to the idea regardless of how much better it would be than tonnage matching. If the match maker weighted chassis by performance then Quirks would be great flavor without undermining balance. It wouldn't even be hard to do pull statistics on chassis performance to assign BV to 'mechs. PGI HAS that data. All they have to do is add it up and take the mean.
3 - So weight that by the 'Mechs BV too. If you get in a match and wreck face in an urban 'Mech you get slightly better payout or scoring or whatever than if you pull the same damage and so on in a Timber. That beats cramming so many quirks into the Urbie that it's individually competitive with an arctic cheetah. That homogenizing crap ruins the entire flavor of asymmetric forces that makes battle-tech and 'mech warrior fun!
Agreed all the way around!
I think everyone's over-complicating what you'd need to do for BV style balance. Hell you could just weight by average match score and you'd do better than trying to quirk a charger into something that can toe-off with a Dire.
I know people are over-complicating what Battle Value would mean, and how it could be implemented, but PGI has always claimed they want to make sure the pilot is the one with the skill; however, in the process they IGNORE the tools used by those MechWarrior's to maneuver, move fast or steady, and fire up enemies, which is entirely a missed opportunity.
1 - Most of that could be boiled down to performance statistics. You're in an awesome and the enemy is easily shooting you by accident? You probably have a lower match score, w/l ratio and k/d ratio. Roll those into a representative performance number.
Absolutely correct.
I cannot agree with modifying "effective" tonnage by a pilot's skills, because each 'Mech can do different things, and PGI decided to use hardpoints in order to attempt to keep 'Mechs within their specific roles, so they would have the appropriate flavor. So, a 55-ton Kintaro and a 55-ton Wolverine would, under your system, and with similarly skilled pilots, have the same effective value. However, being a driver of both those 'Mechs, on a level playing field, my Angry Typewriter Kintaro would level the Wolverine in no time at all, due simply to the reason I call it the Angry Typewriter; 5 LRM-5s with Artemis and 7 tons of ammo, meaning by the time the fifth LRM-5 has fired, the first one is already firing again. In the meantime, my Rainy Days Wolverine, with an ER PPC and 3 LRM-5s with Artemis, is overheating due to simply TRYING to get the same damage. Now, place them in uneven terrain, with my Wolverine's jump jets, it could probably find, close, and decimate the Kintaro, the Wolverine fighting with the ER PPC, and the Kintaro fighting with its ER Large Laser. NOT THE SAME 'MECHs, so weight class is not good enough by a long stretch.