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My Take On The Blr-Chassis

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#1 Alexander Miyamoto


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 10:11 AM

BLR-1D: "Damage Sponge", it has the additional structure and Turn Rate Quirks to spread damage. Only hinderence is the 80Deg/s torso turn rate...

BLR-1G: "Hill-Peaker", it has the acceleration and deceleration Quirks to get up, fire and get back down.

BLR-1S: "Brawler", acceleration, deceleration and turn rate quirks, combined with only 0.75 target aquisition delay (fastest of the BLRs). Torso Turn rate sucks (-5%) but hey... +15% turn rate ;) Target retention time of +2 helps to know, where your target is (EDIT: Can't work the way i thought it worked). You can play it as a indirect fire support too, thanks to many missile hardpoints.

BLR-2C: for lack of a better name, i call it "Balanced" ;) no real Quirks outside the "normal" Target deficencies, best Yaw-Speed... balanced ;)

BLR-3M: "direct fire support", stay behind and snipe the hell out of enemys. worst yaw and pitch speed, so yeah, don't go near a fight.

BLR-3S: "indirect fire support", because that was missing ;). only 1.5s target aquisition delay, +10 torso turn angle. you can also play it as direct fire support or hill-Peaker, but i think not much else, thanks to realy bad pitch and yaw speed.

Except for the 3S, i think the rebalance gives all variants a good starting point.
If i ignore the IS/Clan balance, then the goal of the rebalancing (give all variants inside a chassi a purpose) is achieved, at least for the BLR.

Let me know, if i'm missing something. Maybe i'm missing everything, then please state your oppinion ;)

Edited by Alexander Miyamoto, 12 September 2015 - 02:19 PM.

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