It seems your starting algorithm was...a strange thing. It nerfed some of the worst mechs in the game, removing their Quirkening buffs, then still removing agility via Nega-Quirks.
Then, on the other side of things, you, against all logic and sound reasoning, have significantly buffed the TimberWolf and Dire Whale. Double digits buffs.
Krivvan, on 11 September 2015 - 08:53 PM, said:
For most of the good Clan builds, you can use the omnipods in a way to avoid all the negative quirks and just get positive quirks:
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So the best Clan mechs effectively got buffed. And the IS mechs all nerfed. I know they know the PTS wouldn't have Clan vs. IS balance, but this thread was asking for what PTS meta was so....
Then you've got the Myth Lynx and SadCat that are shafted:
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I mean, that heat efficiency is totally worth it!
Unlike the God Tier robots, those mechs cannot pick from a large variety of effective pods. They lack hardpoints to do that.
This is the issue with Clam CT Omnipod quirks...they stack lots of NegaQuirks on the CT, then positive ones on the other Pods.
The result was taking the CT with the least amount of NegaQuirks, then mounting the hardpoints needed, then start offsetting the NegaQuirks with spare Pods. As seen above, you can min max the hell out of it, making them far better than the current Live server, while the Myth Lynx above is a fair bit worse.
Solution? Don't NegaQuirk the hell out of the CTs for no good reason.
Let's take a look at the Cute Fox Prime-CT:
-<component name="centre_torso"> <Quirk name="torsoangle_yaw_additive" value="-30"/><Quirk name="torsospeed_yaw_multiplier" value="-0.2"/> <Quirk name="accellerp_all_multiplier" value="-0.2"/><Quirk name="decellerp_all_multiplier" value="-0.1"/> <Quirk name="turnlerp_all_multiplier" value="-0.05"/><Quirk name="targetscantime_short_multiplier" value="1"/> <Quirk name="targetscantime_medium_multiplier" value="0.33"/><Quirk name="targetretentiontime_additive" value="-2"/> <Quirk name="targetacquisitiondelay_additive" value="3"/> </component>
-30 to Torso Yaw...which starts at 120. It gets cut down to Assault level twist distance (Current KCrab starts at 100), with no good reason to do that.
The above Whale has nearly the same torso yaw, for reference.
A better solution? Don't quirk every single omnipod. Give Nega-Quirks to the Pods that need it, and to the CT of the mechs who need it, exclusively. Don't Nega-Quirk every single mech in the game...except for the God Tier ones. That's just ridiculous, on so many levels.
Example? Give the Timby a 20% twist speed Nega-Quirk, on every CT. No getting around it. See how that pans out. It would marginally decrease damage spread ability, but all it does is remove the Double Basics efficiency (making it the same twist speed as a Trial Timby, but faster and it still twists further).
Not a small increment by any means, but a single, easy variable. Not something that can be completely avoided, as seen above.
For the Whale? Dunno. Maybe twist range. It's already very restricted, and cutting it further would make spreading damage very hard. It has the firepower to facetank anything and kill it, but focus fire would take them down even faster than present.
It can sword and board nearly all the firepower, so it can tank quite a bit with the current twist range and speed, but not sure what the proper nerf would be. Test Servers are good for that...
As for Inter Faction balance, without quirks, it's rather rubbish. Worse, you've nerfed some of the worst mechs out there, for no good reason. Negative Turn speed on a Commando? Negative sensors on Light Mechs? Slow Accel on a LOLcust? It's insane.
To try and fix the Inter Faction balance, perhaps you should try to do one of Paul's favourite things:
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Well, perhaps not all of them. In fact, let's start with only 1 thing. Extra Light engines.
The cXL is one of the largest differences between Clam and IS balance. It allows you to safely take more firepower, which is always a good thing. Currently, the Clam XL gets a minimal 20% heatsink nerf with CT loss, to the heatsinks located in the CT (TrueDubs and External). isXL gets death.
Normalize that part. Give the isXL 50% penalties, and cXL 75% penalties. Extend the penalties to Speed and Agility (Twist speed, Accel) as well.
Start at those numbers, and see how things match up.
To prevent STD engines from being obsolete, give them incentive. Not having essentially single heatsinks when Sword and Boarding is nice, but certainly not the biggest factor. Give them significant Structure buffs (yes, not as good as armour, but still something). Either exclusively to the CT, to the tune of 30, or also to the STs (since you could reinforce the STs because the XL engine isn't there?). Make it significant enough, even Clam Battlemechs are tempted to put one in, occasionally (Single Ballistic Hunch IIC? It has the CT mounts).
Also greatly increases TTK. IS mechs won't be bringing more firepower than the Clams currently do, but everything would die slower (headshots aside).
Weapon wise, well, if you're complaining about laservomit, it's pretty damn obvious why it's at the top. Everything else has been rendered garbage. AC2 nerfs? MG nerfs? Over 20% straight up damage nerfs to both those weapon systems. Missiles? Utterly rubbish in comparison. You get worse performance than lasers at much shorter range, without the ability to pinpoint your damage, on top of having to work with slow travel speed.
SRMs with Artemis used to have a large amount of skill to how effective they were. They flew in and out, converging at a set distance, potentially hitting as few as a single hitbox on large mechs. Deadly, but incredibly short range. A nice Risk to Benefit ratio, no?
You've changed SRMs to be nearly static in spread after the initial large jump. Past 10M, you have nearly max spread immediately, nearly a 12M CoF on the cSRM6. That's from head to knee on an Atlas, from 30M or 200M.
Solution? There are a few options. Reduce spread, return of the old Artemis flight path, damage buff, travel speed buff.
All are nice. 2.5 damage, 500M/s, with In and Out Artemis Flight Path (and smaller base spread)? Beautiful. Give that to isSRMs, and smaller buffs (travel speed and spread only?) to Clam SRMs. Half weight shouldn't have the same effectiveness, but they still need to exceed Lasers at 20M.
LRMs are rubbish, and with the Jesus Box, there's too many variables when you throw these sensor Nega-Quirks in. Allow LoS locks, like in MWLL. It avoids that issues nicely, if you're in range and can see the mech, you can lock on. Indirect firing is something someone else can discuss.
Machine Guns took that 20% nerf, and retained the 3M CoF. Remove one or both of those nerfs, for Clam and IS MGs. Keep the CoF on the Clam to account for half weight? It was a pointless nerf, that ruined an already mediocre weapon system.
AC2s could have their cooldown brought back down, on top of having their heat reduced. 4 DPS, they were still bad weapons. You decreased that to under 3. Bring it to 3.5, with 0.8 heat per shot as a starting point. Less worthless, but still pretty bad.
Flamers? Buff the ******* damage. You've kept them worthless for YEARS. If you don't want them to have a noticeable effect on the enemy heat, let them be damage dealers with a sub 100M range. FFS, you can't possibly make a weapon worse than this...aside from that time you did. When all missiles were affected by the cLRM damage reduction min range...gotta love 0.05 damage SRMs at 10M.
Give Flamers 2 DPS. Yes, 0.2 Damage per tenth of a second, up from 0.07. That's if you keep their ridiculous heat gain, and short range while also being a constant fire DoT weapon. An easy change for you to make, literally change this:
-<Weapon faction="InnerSphere" HardpointAliases="Energy,Flamer,ISFlamer" name="Flamer" id="1007"> <Loc iconTag="StoreIcons\" descTag="@Flamer_desc" nameTag="@Flamer"/> <WeaponStats maxDepth="10.0" volleydelay="0.25" speed="100" lifetime="1.0" duration="-1.0" tons="1" maxRange="90.0" longRange="90.0" minRange="0" ammoPerShot="0" ammoType="" cooldown="0.0" heat="1.0" impulse="0.0" heatdamage="0.0" damage="0.7" numFiring="1" projectileclass="" type="Energy" slots="1" Health="10" maxheight="0" critChanceIncrease="0.14,0.08,0.03" critDamMult="1.1" trgheatinctime="3.0" heatinctime="6.25" coneoffire="10"/>
to this:
-<Weapon faction="InnerSphere" HardpointAliases="Energy,Flamer,ISFlamer" name="Flamer" id="1007"> <Loc iconTag="StoreIcons\" descTag="@Flamer_desc" nameTag="@Flamer"/> <WeaponStats maxDepth="10.0" volleydelay="0.25" speed="100" lifetime="1.0" duration="-1.0" tons="1" maxRange="90.0" longRange="90.0" minRange="0" ammoPerShot="0" ammoType="" cooldown="0.0" heat="1.0" impulse="0.0" heatdamage="0.0" damage="2.0" numFiring="1" projectileclass="" type="Energy" slots="1" Health="10" maxheight="0" critChanceIncrease="0.14,0.08,0.03" critDamMult="1.1" trgheatinctime="3.0" heatinctime="6.25" coneoffire="10"/>
WOW, that was hard.
From there, there's the cERML issue. One strange suggestion I've heard, and not minded? Change the 2x range max from Clam lasers to 1.5x.
405-810 for the cERML changes to 405-607.5M.
That's as opposed to an unquirked isML at 270-540.
Less damage, but also less heat. It's a starting point, to be adjusted upon. Start with it affecting all Clan lasers?
Not sure how easy a change that is, but it might be as easy as this:
-<Weapon faction="Clan" HardpointAliases="Energy,Laser,MediumLaser,ERLaser,ERMediumLaser,ClanLaser,ClanMediumLaserFamily,ClanMediumLaser,ClanERLaser,ClanERMediumLaser" name="ClanERMediumLaser" id="1212"> <Loc iconTag="StoreIcons\" descTag="@ClanERML_desc" nameTag="@ClanERML"/> <WeaponStats maxDepth="10.0" volleydelay="0.0" speed="0" lifetime="0" duration="1.15" tons="1" maxRange="810" longRange="405" minRange="0" ammoPerShot="0" ammoType="" cooldown="3.0" heat="6.0" impulse="0.0" minheatpenaltylevel="7" heatpenalty="1.4" heatdamage="0" damage="7" numFiring="1" projectileclass="" type="Energy" slots="1" Health="10" visRange="1500" heatPenaltyID="10"/>
-<Weapon faction="Clan" HardpointAliases="Energy,Laser,MediumLaser,ERLaser,ERMediumLaser,ClanLaser,ClanMediumLaserFamily,ClanMediumLaser,ClanERLaser,ClanERMediumLaser" name="ClanERMediumLaser" id="1212"> <Loc iconTag="StoreIcons\" descTag="@ClanERML_desc" nameTag="@ClanERML"/> <WeaponStats maxDepth="10.0" volleydelay="0.0" speed="0" lifetime="0" duration="1.15" tons="1" maxRange="608" longRange="405" minRange="0" ammoPerShot="0" ammoType="" cooldown="3.0" heat="6.0" impulse="0.0" minheatpenaltylevel="7" heatpenalty="1.4" heatdamage="0" damage="7" numFiring="1" projectileclass="" type="Energy" slots="1" Health="10" visRange="1500" heatPenaltyID="10"/>
There may be other implications, but I don't know them.
The cLPL would go to 900, which is still pretty damn significant, but lets work on starting points to begin with. Test Server can resolve the iterations.
Well, all that text and it can be summed up pretty easily.
- Don't NegaQuirk bad robots. Nega-Quirk God Tier robots
- Normalize XL engines
- Give STD engines significant Structure bonuses (CT at minimum, possibly ST)
- Buff SRMs, LRMs, MGs
- ******* buff Flamers
- Change the 2x Extended laser range for Clan Lasers to 1.5x (as a starting point)
Edited by Mcgral18, 12 September 2015 - 09:39 PM.