Helmstif, on 13 September 2015 - 01:43 PM, said:
You're circumventing the issue here. I never said "remove customization", I said "limit it to a certain degree to minimize min-maxing" so we wouldn't have thinks like Jagerbomb or Direstar. Yeah you can argue those are goof builds, but NOT to those on the receiving end. No competitive shooter has ever allowed that kind of thing to happen.
For one MWO is not a competitive shooter its a simulation.....so please keep that straight
NoobTube in Halo 3
Laptop gun in Perfect Dark
Alien Blaster in Fallout 3
Cerebral Bore in Turok 2
The Pistol in Halo Combat Evolved
Farsight in Perfect Dark
Hammer in Super Smash Bros
AWP Sniper Rifle in CounterStrike
BFG 9000 in Doom
These are all documented overpowered weapons in many different games many of which have been played competitively for a long time. Please realize that this problem is in all games everywhere and what you are suggesting is not the fix. What we really need to address selection of role warfare through the mech tree like the image I have linked below.
for a larger image please click this link
Edited by Xavier, 14 September 2015 - 11:14 AM.