This useless mech that nobody pilots, well I don't know why but I like it. The only thing that is remotely good about it, is its maneuverability. And the very first attempt at "balancing" from you guys is make it harder to maneuver. I tried to listen to every bit of explanation you have made on this topic, and from it I can guess you nerf this mech's movement abilities to give it, I dunno, greater sensor range, or weapon buffs. But the thing is, none of those are in the PTS. But the unnecessary nerfs are. And then I happen to scroll by chance into the Firestarter. And for god's sake, that overpowered thing is being only moderately toned down while the poor Linx is made even worse than it already was?
In my humble opinion, even when in the pursuit of "uniqueness" among variants, nerfing this mech is not an option. Make it unique via slight buffs, nerf the sensor ranges a bit if you must, but please review the movement nerfs. Or, if you really must nerf it's agility, then do a new pass on the geometry of its weapon cases. Not the weapons themselves, but the "boxes" that encases them, I hope you undestand what I mean. Those cases are bigger than the ones in an Atlas arm, and give the Linx those weak gorilla arms that everyone likes to shoot off.
I know, not many people cares about this chassis so it will probably stay like this but as I said, I am trying to give useful feedback on what I saw, and what I saw is that this mech is nowhere near to be balanced against anything at the moment.
Edited by Cmdr Hurrell, 13 September 2015 - 04:45 PM.