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#1 Soulstrom


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Posted 16 September 2015 - 01:42 PM

Discussion Topic: Forum Navigation and Usage on mwomercs.com

I have been posting to the forums regularly since around the March of this year and I have noticed a few trends:

1. The General Discussion Thread is the most trafficked.
2. Barley anyone makes it to the community-run events sub forum.
3. The Community Hyper-Pulse Generator forums has a great fan-art, etc...Sections but is completely over cast by the ever popular "Daily Whine" thread. *I do participate in it, so yeah let’s keep that one going.
4. Most of the threads posted on these forums are complaints.
5. There are individuals (several) who are so active on here and create so much chaos that they have created little chiefdoms on these forums.
6. Many individuals give away their own money to help build this community and aren't recognized. *Not referring to myself.
7. The Navigation for the forums is cleanly stylized, however you run into the issue where the majority of the community ends up here, the Almighty General Discussion Forum
8. All-in-all the forums are well managed, but there are clear people who troll these threads, provide no positive commentary, trash PGI and players, and nothing ever happens to them. They are still here posting and making our collective live miserable.
9. If people make it out of the General Discussion Forum then they end up at the Community Warfare Forum. *Not a complaint just a statistic.
10. The other forums need more traffic and attention.


1. Redo-the forum structure.
2. Make the Hyper-Pulse Generator not a catch all for everything else that you don't know where to put or how to categorize. *I have many wireframes laid out and I will gladly share them if contacted. Open invitation.
3. Make Community Run Events their own Category on the forums.
4. Bring back the Community Spotlight.

What do you all think? Input would be greatly appreciated and maybe it will make it to the people who can implement change. Well I hope so anyway.

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