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Newb Learning Curve And Controls

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#21 Chados


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Posted 22 September 2015 - 02:26 AM

I went with Catapults for LRMishing, classic 2xALRM15, BAP, and backup weapons (SSRM2+ASRM4 for the A1, 4xML for the C1) for two of them and 2xLRM20, BAP, 2xSSRM2+2xSL for the C4.

Jedi is right, you will plateau with LRM and want to transition into direct close support as some point. I obtained Catapult Mastery and used the Jester and K2 to start learning those modes, then bought Victor Mastery to continue schooling in the Art of Direct Fire Support. My best Victors are the 9B and 9S outfitted identically to the trial Victor: AC20 + 2xLPL, but my 9B has a 330XL instead of the 340 in the 9S so I can pack another ton of ammo for the Autocannon and some more heat sinks. And I had enough practice drops in the trial 9S that I basiced out the one I bought as soon as I bought it. My 9B notched 750 damage, one kill, four assists on Tourmaline Desert last night, and I had multiple 500+ damage/3 kill matches in it. It was the first time I ever ran out of AC20 ammo. My Dragon Slayer right now runs AC10 + 2xLPL and BAP for the ECM unmasking, and had four +500 damage matches last night as well. Between them, my three Victors got me all but one map for the tournament last night (I wasn't able to get the needed score on the one map I had left-HPG-but I got all the others easily).

Mastery packs are a good deal for IS because you get three 'mechs for the price of two, three basically free mechbays to keep them in, and 30 days of premium time, also basically free, for the deal. You will want three of whatever 'mech you settle on so you can basic and elite them in the skill tree, it makes them much better.

For Clans, the Ryoken (SCR) is a solid choice and can pack C-LRMs. So can the Cauldon Born (EBJ), which is a heavy 'mech that is very hard to kill. At any rate, it was a long time before I was racking up 400 damage in a match-you're doing fine.

#22 Sonny Black


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Posted 22 September 2015 - 06:47 AM

View Postkarrade85, on 21 September 2015 - 07:44 PM, said:

Please don't groan about not another LRM newb

“Artillery adds dignity, to what would otherwise be an ugly brawl”
– Frederick the Great


#23 Not A Real RAbbi


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Posted 22 September 2015 - 08:43 AM

Sonny Black, I adore that quote. Served three years (of 22) in the Army in a field artillery unit, and have a brother in-law who is a field artillery officer. Somehow, I've never read that one before.

Back on topic!

Lurmses! OP, you're going to find (if you haven't already) that keeping a target long enough to lock, fire, and get those rounds on target, is a pain. At least, early in the fight it can be darned near impossible to get good LRM fires on target. ECM has become a lot more common (going to be nerfed in radius soon), and enemies tend to use cover just like you're learning to (breaking locks and ruining your day). So it's good that you're willing to get up a bit closer and do your own target designating. But that won't always be enough.

I recommend you find a pal. Make it one of us psychos who likes small, fast mechs. Preferably one that also likes to carry ECM or AP to counter enemy ECM, and who is willing to blow the C-Bills in non-CW drops to deploy UAVs. Being in a somewhat faster mech like a Treb or Jag, you might even consider carrying UAVs yourself--if your team is falling back from an advancing enemy, popping that UAV where they're going to be in a few seconds can grab you all kinds of targets, letting you sow chaos among the advancing enemy and possibly stall their push. Not an everyday thing, but it CAN happen.

Also, since you've expressed interest in not being THAT Lurmer (the guy in the rear with the beer), you definitely want some formidable secondary weapons. You may even consider moving to a mid-range laser poking role with the LRMs as a secondary or alternate primary weapon. I've done this without TOO much embarrassment in my EBJ-PRIME from time to time (2x AcLRM15, cERLL, 4x cERML), but it's got to be played a little differently. The LRMs DO have that 1,000m range, but they are also handy at 200m and all ranges in-between. 200m is CLOSE. It's Holy-God-that-AC/20-HURTS close.

One more thing. KNOW which mechs can carry ECM, and when you see them on the enemy team, know which ARE carrying it. Most popular ones? RVN-3L, AS7-D-DC, ACH, SHC, HBR. There are others that you'll see less of out there, too. LCT is a fairly not-popular chassis, but the LCT-PB hero mech carries ECM on the fastest chassis in the game. There are variants of each the GRF and CTF that can carry ECM, as well as the hard-to-hit SDR. Know them when you see them, because you'll want to either A.) separate them from the group and focus down, or B.) separate another enemy target FROM them to focus down. ECM is your worst enemy, so treat enemy ECM mechs as such. Know them better than they know themselves, and show them your hatred at every opportunity (in battle, I mean).

#24 Sonny Black


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Posted 22 September 2015 - 01:04 PM

View PostTheRAbbi, on 22 September 2015 - 08:43 AM, said:

Sonny Black, I adore that quote. Served three years (of 22) in the Army in a field artillery unit, and have a brother in-law who is a field artillery officer. Somehow, I've never read that one before.

1. AIR FORCE! We're the smart ones...send the officers out to fight. :D


Back on topic!

One more thing comes to mind. If you get are able to target a light out at say 8-900 meters. Save you missiles. I have a TBT LG (115kph) as soon as I get the incoming warning, I'm gone. 600 meters is where I start to fire...and that's assaults or slow heavies.

#25 IraqiWalker


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Posted 22 September 2015 - 08:12 PM

View Postkarrade85, on 21 September 2015 - 07:44 PM, said:

Please don't groan about not another LRM newb

"Infantry wins firefights, tanks win battles, artillery wins wars" Tactica Imperialis

LRMs are actually a good weapon for a new player to start with, as they can help you learn the basics in relative safety.

Edited by IraqiWalker, 22 September 2015 - 08:15 PM.

#26 Not A Real RAbbi


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Posted 22 September 2015 - 10:56 PM

View PostSonny Black, on 22 September 2015 - 01:04 PM, said:

One more thing comes to mind. If you get are able to target a light out at say 8-900 meters. Save you missiles. I have a TBT LG (115kph) as soon as I get the incoming warning, I'm gone. 600 meters is where I start to fire...and that's assaults or slow heavies.

Important point. When deciding whether to fire, consider a few things...

- Will the target still be in the 1km range when the missiles GET THERE?
- Will the target, at least along its current course or near it, be behind cover by the time the missiles get there?
- Will the target be able to be back under an undefeated ECM umbrella by the time the missiles get there?
- Do I have good spotting (ESPECIALLY UAV/TAG/NARC) over the Engagement Area for consistency of targeting?
- If I'm relying on a single teammate to spot, will that teammate survive for the entire flight time of the missiles?
- If I'm spotting my own missiles, can I maintain targeting long enough for the missiles to reach the target without getting destroyed by virtually-immediate direct return fire?
- is it an important enough target to risk giving away my exact position to the enemy's scouts? (More on this in my WIP reconnaissance guide)

These are some things that should go on in a quick mental checklist for the LRM mechwarrior (Lurmwarrior, we shall call him). If you can't answer YES (or N/A) to all of those, you might consider saving the ammo. SOONER OR LATER, more often than not, the brawl will close to within 400m, and ECM will be out of the picture. USUALLY, but not always, especially not if you're getting ROFLstomped. When that happens, though, you'll have ample opportunity to let those missiles loose at a very short flight-time range, and unleash ridiculous damage upon your enemies.

One more thing to remember. If you're spotting your own, you have to remain exposed to the enemy's Line-of-Sight (LoS) for the duration. If not, then you're counting on someone else to either NARC, UAV, or maintain LoS, in order for your missiles to hit. Consider how well you trust your teammate to get and maintain that lock.

#27 Chados


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Posted 23 September 2015 - 02:58 AM


This is why I like to run LRMs from what I call the "sweet spot," which is around 250 meters. Suicide, you say? It can be, but it has some distinct benefits: (1) Most important-it's inside SRM range, allowing use of the most prominent secondary weapon on a lot of LRM carriers, and inside the optimal range for medium lasers too, allowing full 55-point alpha strikes when you're packing a couple LRM15s along with SRMs; (2) If you have BAP equipped, you debuff one ECM at around that range-I can't remember what it is exactly, I think it's 240m; (3) LRM flight time is nonexistent and the flight profile is fairly flat at those engagement ranges, making for faster hits; (4) LRM blindfiring is a lot easier when you're in the target's face-you don't have to wait for the lock in a pinch, just lay the cursor on him and shoot. Plus, you're where the action is, meaning you can use other players as meat shields and distractions to help spread damage off of you, add your armor to the mix and soak some fire to help the brawlers, add BAP bonuses for the brawlers as well, and in some instances shoot over them without hurting them if you lose lock and hit them, since LRMs do no damage inside 180m.

Rule One for all LRM carriers and assault 'mechs: "It's better with friends." A lone LRM carrier 650 meters from an engagement is a juicy target for Arctic Cheetahs, Ravens (especially ECM ravens), PB Locusts, or anything else out lone wolfing. An LRM carrier in where the action is can turn the tide of battle. You risk much by LRMishing. But you gain much as well. I have actually had my unit ask me-specifically, Tier 5 me-to bring a LRM Catapult on group-queue drops because of the tactics I use. I consider that high praise.

Edited by Chados, 23 September 2015 - 03:04 AM.

#28 dragnier1


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Posted 23 September 2015 - 03:36 AM

anything below 290m is good for LRMs if you don't have obstacles between you and your target, and if there's a roof. I find myself preferring 3-400 meters where the missiles have enough distance to loop over obstacles, yet close enough to ensure hits.

I don't do so well below 290m.

Edited by dragnier1, 23 September 2015 - 03:37 AM.

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